Shared Email Labels
Hello, We are 2 users checking the same email inbox in Pipedrive. When I tag an email, it is not updated for the other user. Is that normal ?
How can I increase the size limit of notes in activities?
We always recommend to our clients to take a screenshot of the WhatsApp screen and paste it in the activity notes. Today, a client contacted us, mentioning that this is no longer possible as Pipedrive has limited the message size. Do you guys happen to know if this is due to a recent update, or how can my clients increase…
Can I export the list of "Organizations nearby" in the map-view?
Hello, just recently I found out about a nice feature: If you click on an andress of an organization (that is encoded in the right way) - a new window pops up with google maps. There you can set the radius to show other organizations nearby. So far a really nice feature. But it would really help us if we could use (e.g.…
multiple items in one deal & multiple deals in one document template
Hello, We are dealing with accessibility certification of real estate. We create one deal for a company, but this deal often has several properties. This could only be created individually and assigned to the organisation, which is quite complicated. We want to put these properties individually, after we have assigned…
A tagged user in a deal note will not be notified if they are not a follower of that deal.
It is contradictory that when you use the @ tag all users are suggested, but if you choose someone who does not follow the deal, this person will not receive a notification. It would be useful if that person automatically became a follower of this deal and therefore also received a message about the note. I don't want to…
Issue with adding a contact to an organisation
This issue occurred yesterday when trying to add a contact to an organisation. If i go ahead and fill in the fields marked in red then I create a duplicate. Pipedrive informed us that there was a bug in the system but as yet today this issue has not been resolved. Is anyone else experiencing this issue and also how long…
Custom field of type file
Hello! It's hard to keep track of the files uploaded to a deal. It would be awesome to have a custom field of type File to upload required files and to keep track of what's going on. Clients documentation, delivery note and others.
Best practice E-Mail automation for proposal sent follow up?
Hi. Whats the best way to create an automation that automatically sends follow up emails after a proposal has been sent to the contact. The automation has to be manually stoppable. The trigger "E-Mail answered" is not good enough, since the trigger could also be a phonecall, a meeting, an appointment-booking etc. I am…
Help sending a manual email and if not responded to sending a follow up template?
I'm new to PD and can't seem to figure if this is possible or not. I want to have a call with a customer, send a email based on the call (so can't be a template email), and then if they don't respond, then send a follow up email. Is that possible?
Square Integration
A Integration with Square POS/Invoicing would be the best thing in the world. We use square as our POS so its natural to use it as our invoicing app as well. I would love to be able to invoice customers within Pipedrive and share customer data between the two databases easily.
Naming Files within the app
I’ve seen some questions but not sure where this has landed. it would be awesome if there was a way to name each file added to the deal. Specifically pictures. Having the ability to rename “imagexyz” inside the app/deal would be great. if there’s a way to do that already I’d love to learn.
Custom Domain for Webforms
It would be great to be able to have a custom domain for the webforms along with custom slugs. This would make sharing direct links to the forms look much nicer and more trustworthy.
Webinar Q&A: Maximizing essential features
Hello Pipedrivers! ☀️ We would like to thank everyone who attended our recent Maximizing essential features webinar we conducted on November 8th. Your presence and active participation made the event a tremendous success. During the webinar, we received an overwhelming number of questions (more than 200 💪), and while we…
Integration - Webflow
Pipedrive needs a Webflow integration like Hubspot so we can easily sync form data between our website and CRM.
"Person type fields have been mapped but the required field is missing. To continue import, map Pers
Trying to upload a list of organizations, and was hoping to add the contacts later. So i keep getting this message when uploading an excel file Person type fields have been mapped but the required field is missing. To continue import, map Person - First name or remove person type fields.
Custom Colors in Insight Reports
The insight reports can be customized to show a lot of helpful information. One issue I have found is that I can run 2 reports involving similar data, and the colors for the categories change from report to report. I would love to be able to assign certain colors to certain sales people, products, etc.....so that there…
Pick times from a deal view
Hi there, It looks like something changed with the pick-times option. Normally I was always emailing from a deal view and added options from the pick-time option. But now this option is not visible anymore from the deal view. When I email from contactperson or from organization the picktimes is visible again. Is anyone…
Can the currency dropdown be hidden if there's only one active currency?
Hi Pipedrive team! We have only one currency set up. All others have been deactivated. See this screenshot. But still the currency selection dropdown appears next to each currency field. It clutters the UI and is unnecessary. Can this be switched off? If not, the default behaviour should be that these dropdowns are hidden…
Matching custom fields of 2 deals in separate Pipelines as Condition
Hi! To reduce human error, I am trying to create an automation, where: After a deal with a certain text in a certain custom field (an internal ID) in one Pipeline gets won, the Automation will find an open deal in another Pipeline that has same text in the same custom field, and moves that deal into a certain stage. As I…
Button text color in Web forms
Is it possible that you have to go with white text on button only? Not possible to change it via CSS and Java Script I tried and failed miserably :) Any suggestions?
Multi Touch Email Sequence
Hi Product team, is there any functionality in the roadmap in which pipedrive users will be able to create multi touch email sequences? I think this would be a great addition to your platform as it will allow to execute sales/business development representatives to work inside Pipedrive... what happens currently is they…
Filtering all people by active lead
I find it hard to keep on track which leads I need following up which so want to try using the 'Set follow-up frequency tool in 'contacts timeline' so do that. I know it is possible to filter by open deals, but is there a way to filter the list of all people in my pipedrive account based on whether they are active lead…
Data export - times in UTC
Hello, I'm exporting activity data in order to build timesheets for billing clients. What's frustrating is that even though the users have entered their activities in the local time zone, in the data export it's all in UTC time. I need the data to be in local time as different rates apply to day shift as opposed to night…
Call logging android - troubleshooting
Hi, I want to get the answer. If only I have such problem. I'm using the newest version of Android APP I've configured the app accordingly - https://support.pipedrive.com/en/article/calling-and-logging-calls-in-the-mobile-app PROBLEM - some of my call's are not logging in I've exchange 47 emails with pipedrive to resolve…
"New revenue" report based on the subscription start date
In our business, we invoice on a monthly basis with no set end date, so the value of our deals in pipedrive is the monthly cost for that customer. To get a better insight in the MRR, in all closed won deals, the subscription is also added, with a payment date set as well. Because it might happen that the contract is signed…
Subscription revenue report - Values of the one-time payments
Hi! I have added the subscription plan to most of my customers. In some cases, we have payments that are billed extra, so I added "Additional Payment". In other cases we receive the payments only once so added it as "Payment schedule" - 1 payment. When I generate a report I want to see how much revenue we are making -…
Pipedrive Campaigns for RSS feeds?
I use Mailchimp today for my marketing emails. One important part is when I write new blog posts on my website to deliver them weekly in a RSS feeds campaign. That means that the RSS feed detect new article posted on the website and the use Mailchimp RSS feeds campaigns. The Pipedrive Campaigns looks great but as long as…
Is it possible to specify a default field value (input)?
Hi everyone Is it possible to specify a default field value (input)? For example, if we had a field called Estimated Return to Creditors, can we have that field always auto-populate with the likely/standard scenario (e.g. 0.2**) This way our users don't have to manually type it in each time, but can edit that value in the…
When will more than 5 formula fields be available?
I am evaluating and implementing Pipedrive currently. We have invested many dozens of hours into the process so far. We are considering switching from HubSpot to Pipedrive. A large part of the appeal of Pipedrive was the Formula fields. On the pricing page there is no mention of a limit of 5 Formula fields. Just…
Is it possible to set a default activity type & default activity name?
Hi Pipedrivers, Whenever I mark a Task as "Done", Pipedrive prompts me to schedule the next one, which is great. However, it leaves it to me to fill in all fields. Here are my questions: * By default, the next activity is a Call. How do I make it a Task by default? * By default, the next activity has no title. How can I…