Adding Sales Tax
Hello, Our company would like to be able to add sales tax to specific deals. After speaking with Pipedrive we found that the only option we have is to add sales tax to the product itself. However, we only charge sales tax in certain regions. For this reason we would like to be able to add sales tax on the fly to specific…
Pull Organisation address into Activity Location field as the default or first suggestion
Don't you think it would make sense for the Organisation's address to be there as the first suggestion in the Location field when creating a meeting or appointment? We have it for the person (the contacts in the company) so why not give us the company address if it has been entered? I find it quite annoying that we go to…
Comprobante de lectura y tracking de links en emails.
Actualmente Pipedrive no permite que veamos los comprobantes de lectura de los mensajes de mail que nos han compartido otros miembros del equipo. Soy consciente de que la privacidad prima sobre todo, pero ¿no debería marketing, como mínimo, podem compartir comprobantes de lectura si es un usuario más que utiliza el CRM y…
Project management: notes and files
Adding a contact WITH phone or mail but without the name
I was wondering if there is a way to add a contact with phone/mail but without the actual name We're active in real estate. During prospection, in some cases you found/have the phone number or mail but not an actual name. However, when adding a contact to a deal, a name is an obligated field. Consequently, our agents put…
Improving Workflow Automations
It would really help if PipeDrive would develop management tools for workflow automations. I am the administrator for our company's account. We have MANY workflow automations. Currently, there is NO WAY to: * organize them into user-defined categories, * quickly view how they are constructed, or * manage automations…
🚀 The Domain Authentication solution is coming!
Hey Pipedrivers, I’m Anton, the Product Manager for Campaigns at Pipedrive, working on delivering our lovely marketing product 😎 I am happy to inform you that the Campaigns team and I are now working on the domain authentication solution to improve our customers’ email delivery rates further. We know how sensitive the…
Requiring a custom field when a deal is marked lost...
We're working on identifying our SQL (Sales Qualified Leads) and in order to do that, we need to clearly identify which deals are SQL and which are non-SQL. The feature request is this... I'd like to be able to configure a custom field to display on the pop-up when I mark a deal as lost. So, we'd create a custom field with…
Mask a value inside smart docx in terms of security
Smartdocs can't include mask value inside of a form in comparing panda docx ... this is the main reason i don't send price proposals trough smart docx...
More Note Formatting Options
It would be helpful to have more control over the Notes. * Have Strike Through as an option * Font color options * Ability to create a Template for Notes * Ability to Tab * Ability to create a Check List
Filtering options on goals reports!
It'd be great to be able to apply filters to goals like you can with other insights reports. Such as if we wanted a forecast with goals but only allowing for deals with a probability above 80%.
No link in pinned notes
I have an link, which i write in a Note. It works in the note. But if I pin it to the top, it shows only the text without the link. Is this a bug?
Workflow automation for received emails
A great feature for the future would be a workflow automation, which creates a new activity once an email with a predefined subject is received. The predefined subject would be easy to implement, since a template can be used for the email sent. Email sent and email received will then have the same subject and the activity…
Unsubscribe link for emails out of Pipedrive
For GDPR reasons, I am looking for a functionality that automatically adds an unsubscribe link to any email we send for inbound & outbound sales. Is this available within Pipedrive? If yes, how can I set this up? If not, could this be a feature that will be build in the future?
Products and pricing
I would really like for a better handling of pricing on products and also some more fields available on Smart Docs to handle prices with and without taxes, and total price including taxes.
Email Activity - Duplication Frustrations
For 3 years I've been using this software and I'm super frustrated that despite using the bcc when sending emails I then need to create that email as an activity then clear the activity so that it registers when I want to track the activity. This is very painful as I'm carrying out 2 actions for each activity. I was told…
Workflow automation for Campaign emails?
Hi @Janis Rozenblats, I hope you are well! I'm looking at using Campaigns for our subscription renewal emails. I've the Pro account and access the Revenue Subscription feature. I'm hoping to do the following automation with Campaigns: when it's 1 month prior to revenue date end > send Campaigns renewal email. Is this…
Add a serch bar in activities view
I would like to see Pipedrive add a search bar to the activities section. I can search emails, in the email section. I think the same feature in activities would be efficient. Would anyone else like to have this feature, or have any input?
Why can't we search any keyword in Activity Notes?
I cannot search anything from the notes I have taken in activities. I have taken lots of notes in several meetings but after a while when I make a search for some keyword in several activities, search doesn't find any result? Why is that? Is there any way to enable it? Thank you..
Lead Booster: Add option to remove the "We're powered by pipedrive" credit
We want to use the Lead Booster chatbot on our website but we don't want to have the "We're powered by pipedrive" as it distracts from the chat and since it's a paid service, we'd appreciate the chat window not to include self-promotion. Please add the option to not show this area.
Pipe view for organizations
It would be great to be able to add the Pipe view to organizations !!! and have the possibility to silo with the item we want ;) Would gladly discuss about it !
Dashboard Sharing / Embed
Hi! We have a financial software and we have created a feature to integrate different sources of information into the app by embedding graphs or dashboards. When embedding Pipedrive's dashboard there's a big header that uses a lot of space. It's like a big add of Pipedrive. It would be great if you remove that header so…
Link products to an organisation
We're about to start working with products in Pipedrive but encountered an issue. Our goal: Document which organisations have which products and be able to filter this easily. Our problem: Assigning products to organisations which they bought previously, sometimes years ago. Solution #1: Go through old deals for each…
Workflow automation logs
We have several automations running, e.g. adding products to deals, updating person/org owners, adding values to custom fields etc, however I can't see which records the workflow automations have run against, there is nothing logged in the Deal/Person/Org records either. Are there any logs where we can view this…
tracking pixel update
Dear Pipedrive Team, when I checked the spamcore of one of my mails I realized the tracking pixel is inserted into the mail without an alternative text attribute as you can see the error message from mail-tester.com Therefore I would be nice to add that empty ' alt="" ' attribute to the img tag of the tracking pixel.…
Syncing emails to deals
Hi there, At our company every employee has synced and linked their email to PipeDrive. However, the emails only sync on the organisational level, but not at the individual deals. As soon as an organisation has two or more deals, the emails are not synced on the deal pages anymore as the system does not know to which deal…
Smarter pin note in deals/organisations
So here is the thing - we have lot of meetings with companies - this creates a lot informations. That brings a lot of great insights. However, notes are piling and diminish in timeline. It would be great to have one smart "pin note" where I could write all insights, notes or keywords with links to specific notes.
An edited note should show when it was last editied, and who last edited it
Currently, there's no indication on a note if the note has been edited and who edited it. The timestamp on the note only shows when the note was created and who originally created it. This can lead to confusion. Instead, the timestamp on a note should show if it was edited, when it was last edited, and who edited it. This…
Desktop notifications for Pipedrive
One thing I'd like to suggest is implementing desktop notifications from Pipedrive. (as far as I'm aware this can't be done but if anyone has a work around, that would be much appreciated) When one of my staff assigns an activity to me, unless I'm in the Pipedrive window, I won't see the notification so it would be great…
Feature Request: Dynamic Custom Fields
Use case for closing a sale and needing a custom field for my sales team. We have a specific requirement on our service and we want our sales team to have to mark Yes or No if they client has those requirements filled before they mark the deal Won. Thanks!