How can I Use Zapier to Get Calendly Checkbox Answers into a PipeDrive Custom Field
I have a Calendly question that asks the prospect which of our products they'd previously purchased: I then want to create a Zap that puts this into a custom field in PipeDrive that uses the Multiple Options field type. How can I do this with Zapier? When Zapier pulls in the list of products, they look like they’re just…
Summary of the Day
Hello, Is there a way to change or add fields in the email we receive in summary of the day?
How do you put fields in multiple categories?
Sometimes fields can be a part of multiple categories. I can, as far as I know only select one category to put them in. Is there a way to put fields in multiple categories?
Using fields for Pipedrive email templates: Signature / sender first name
Dear community, I would like to configure an email template in Pipedrive where the greeting contains the sender first name (not the full name). Also, the email signature should be contained. However, under deal -> template -> "Insert field" I do not see fitting fields. I understand that it is possible to attach the user's…
Choosing "Save" on any field, clears all the unsaved data entered in all fields now
If you type in a phone number title email address we used to hit save 3 times and 3 fields would be saved now we have to hit save, then enter another field, then hit save, etc. if you hit save with data in other fields it is wiped away an annoying change in the recent code. it takes a lot longer to work now.
"Required" Custom Fields insists on being Required when Deal is Won. Why?!
I've "grown up" in running my business with Pipedrive over the last 5 years, and the thought of using a different CRM is like changing where I get my coffee every day. But there are so many frustrations which seem to make no sense? What am I doing wrong here... Why is it that I can't make a Custom Field as 'Required'…
Custom Field issue
Hi I've set up a custom field, where the users can click "Yes" and "No". However it seems I cannot get rid of a "None" option, which for our data is not useful (as its either yes or no). Ain't it possible to remove that None option?
Custom Currency
I have added a custom currency to a client's account, but the custom is pound sterling with extra decimal points as I cannot edit the default one. But the £ symbol is now placed after the monetary value, so it looks like this 100£ - please can this be changed so that all currency symbols can be assigned either side
Multiple persons in Person type field, and multiple companies in Company type field
It would be great to be able to have a list of persons or companies in those types of fields, especially for companies/persons. Let's say we want to have list of board members or owners, so we could just add all of them as a list into one field, instead of having 20 fields for Board member 1, Board member 2 etc. Same with…
PipeDrive Client PHP doesn't update custom field value for person
We have created a custom field using "Data Fields" for Person which name is "Contact Address" and Now we are trying to create a person using php-client(https://github.com/pipedrive/client-php) api with custom fields. Custom fields are not updating values to the Contact Address(custom field) when trying to create person.…
Left toolbar and Sections in Contacts or Deals
Hello community. I confirm that it is not possible to manage the sidebar as a general setting. And we know that the new left toolbar is also customizable. I think this setting should be chooseable: selected as a global or personal customizable option. During an implementation process, it's important to determine general…
Create a 'Day of the Week' personalization field?
When creating an email template, I want one of the field options to be the day of the week which automatically updates based on the day of the week. Ultimately, this will be used as part of a Workflow Automation. An example might be: [First Name], I hope you're enjoying this fine [Day of the Week] morning. Any suggestions?…
Controlling custom fields
It's great we can restrict whether our users can delete a custom field however we use custom fields for putting some super important information and there is no restriction on them editing the content of the field say if it's a multiple option. What would be great is if there was a permission like other CRM's whereby we…
Copy fields from Contact / Org to new Deal
Hi all - After I have created a new Contact or Organisation, I then create a Deal for that Contact or Org. Is it possible for certain fields (namely address fields) to be copied into the new Deal? This will save double entry of data. Thanks, Rob
Getting difficulty in submitting form's data in Leads.
I'm encountering an issue where form submissions from my production server are not successfully saving data to Pipedrive leads, despite receiving a 200 OK response from the Pipedrive API. Could anyone assist in troubleshooting why the data isn't getting saved after deployment?
Can't add custom fields into Insights report view
I've just started using 'Insights' instead of reports, and weekly I look at the number of new deals in our pipelines. I have used the "Deals Started" view, but cant seem to add any custom fields to the report preview or the report pop-up. I need the ability to view a custom field called 'Lead Source' so i can see where all…
Property cards in Pipedrive?! (Real Estate)
Hi Pipedrivers, I received this pro-tip on the side. Now am I completely missing something here?! Where are the property cards at? I only have organisations, people, deals and products? N
Real simple issue - comma needs to be added to value shown
When using the value field while emailing leads, commas aren't displayed in the number. In this testing example, the lead value is set at "$1,500". But the value field shows "$1 500". Can you guys add the comma to this, so I don't look stupid when emailing customers? Example email:
Field Definition Hovering
As I have spent time building out a training website for our team... this idea came to mind. If we could define fields (built-in and custom) in Settings, and then have those definitions show up either by hovering over a field or displayed right underneath a field, this would really help new and experienced users! Even…
Hide custom fields in Leads
Custom fields from Deals are also setup for Leads. Today if you have Professional license or higher you can hide custom fields for different deal pipelines. It should be possible to hide specific custom fields for Leads in the same way as for deals pipelines. Today you get at lot of fields that are not relevant for Leads.
Importing Multiple Options Field
I recently added a new multiple options field on people to be able to track specific types of information so we can segment individuals in various overlapping ways (e.g. lives in DC, works for a nonprofit). I don't know when this new field type was added, but I'm really excited about it! However, I'm not sure if it is…
Adding field information
Hi PD team, I have a question about the option for adding custom extra descriptions for the custom fields in a similar way as you have in the configuration settings As of now, we have slowly passed the critical point with custom fields, and I see that users have problems understanding what is needed and when.
Automatic Whatsapp PipeDrive integration is live on PipeDrive Marketplace (try it for free)
Do your sales agents use Whatsapp in their work? Or maybe you have Whatsapp as a channel to communicate with your clients? Based on feedback from PipeDrive community and a hundred user interviews, we created an automatic Whatsapp integration for PipeDrive. Try it for free here:…
New: Improved permissions + custom fields
Hi Pipedrivers 👋 I’m excited to share some product updates to help you tailor your team’s data based on roles, safeguard sensitive information and enhance your focus in 2024. So, what’s new? Better pipeline visibility controls – keep your data safe by restricting pipeline visibility to relevant teams and roles Clearer deal…
Hello, reading the features of PipeDrive, I see that street addresses are somehow geocoded with Google Maps. This is great. Are the Lat/Long exportable? What I ultimately need to do is filter and prioritize Leads based on the distance between them. I figured I would do this "offline" using another spatial mapping service…
Editable custom data fields from org/deal/person page
This one bothers me, like a lot. Let's say I have a custom field under organization to be filled out in qualification that lists the prospective org's current system used, let's call it "Current System Used". This is a drop down select list field. I go an find the top 50 systems list somewhere online and paste those in as…
How to show Leads in Organization view?
Is there any way to show Leads in the Organization view? Currently, only 'Deals' show when I click on an Organization, is there any way to show Leads as well?
Merged: Please expand Email Templates
This discussion has been merged.
New: Grouping of Fields 🗂️
Organizing fields has become easier with the ability to create custom groups for fields. You can bundle related fields into common categories to make your information easier to manage and consult. Admin users can: create new custom field groups reorder the placement of groups in the details reorder custom fields within…
New: Date fields now trigger Automations! 📆 🤖
Why? * Build automations when date fields values change (Deals, People, Organizations) * Share date-related data from a trigger event into an action event (e.g. "Deal expected close date", a custom Person date field) For whom? * All users with Workflow Automations (Advanced plan and above) What can a user do? * Use default…