Do Emails sent through automations get assigned to a deal?
Some of my automations are sending emails to contacts that have deals in the pipeline. But when I check the deal, I see no history of emails sent, even though the contact has received my email. Is this a bug?
Trigger Campagin
I work with Zapier and want the trigger - Campaign in Pipedrive was sent. In the campaign, there is a link to Calendly - when this is clicked, the workflow should start. However, I can't find the trigger 'Campaign was sent' in either Pipedrive automations or Zapier - can anyone help me further?
Hello, cineva din Romania activ aici?
Ar fi interesant sa avem diferite discutii despre cum folositi pipedrive, si tips & trick pe use case-uri specifice. In cazul de fata cautam un modul de emailing care sa se sincronizeze 2 way to pipedrive si care sa ne permita sa trimitem mai mult de 2k emails per day
How to change email models
Hello, I would like to send an email after 1 week of inactivity. However, how can I update an email model in Pipedrive please? Thx, David
What are your thoughts about Pipedrive's email deliverability?
Hi there! We are just new in Pipedrive and want to utilize the emailing feature but we are not sure how reliable it is and how much can we trust its deliverability. We are have linked our Gmail accounts to Pipedrive. We would appreciate your thoughts based from your experience. Thank you!
Email to organization
Hi, as of now only contacts can have an email. We work alot with franchise businesses, and will sometimes email between 10-200 companies in the same franchise at the same time. Wish it was possible to send an email to the organization/company and not the contact person on the lead.
Save new email contacts to pipedrive contacts
Good morning, I have successfully linked my Outlook account with Pipedrive, and I am curious to know if there is a method to automatically generate and store new contacts in Pipedrive whenever a new sender is identified in Outlook emails. Thank you in advance!
Can't change "unsubscribed" marketing status
There are many cases that we should be able to change to marketing status from unsubscribed to subscribed again: * user just unsubscribed from a specific newsletter and not ALL of them * missclicked the status while editing contact details * customer decides that he wants to receive newsletters again Hopefully we will be…
Link Reports/Insights to Email Subject/Templates
Hello Pipedrive Community! My role is mainly focussed on marketing, and involves strategy planning based on email performance. Although the feature to track emails is useful, it would be great to create reports based on particular email templates (or subjects) in order to compare how well specific campaigns perform.
automated an email
Can i organise an automatisation that send an email every year for a birthday? i explain, when i add a customer in my contact, i also add is birthday date. From that point when i add the date, is it possible to have an automatic email send for that precise date every year? Thanks - Phil
Reports on Emails which are linked with a deal
If you are synching your emails you can get reports on the email performance. But you can NOT filter the emails which are linked to a deal. I am not interested in statistics on mails from my daily business and from my Grandmother, only sales related email count. And they are sales related if they are linked to a deal.
If someone opts-out on your Pipedrive newsletter, automatically opting in again isn't possible.
Sadly I found out it's not possible for someone to overwrite their own opt-out with an opt-in. I'll frame the issue here. Someone (she) subscribes on our newsletter, but isn't a customer. Then unsubscribes 4 months later. Afterwards, let's say 1 month after unsubscribing, she becomes a customer through our website…
Automating Tags
Hello, We are creating tags for each contact to set up a marketing campaign. The tags are based on title, etc. Is there anyway to autofill the tags from other fields in the contact like a field "job title?" so the job title autopopulates into a tag.
Emails from Pipedrive are going into spam
I'm finding that emails that are being sent through Pipedrive are going into clients spam/junk. I've tested sending the same exact email from outlook just to make sure it wasn't a Microsoft issue but the email sent goes direct to the inbox. Is it possible to add Pipedrive to an SPF record so that inboxes know that it's…
Merged: Please expand Email Templates
This discussion has been merged.
First Name & Last Name Separation for list export
Edit, you can now ask the Pipedrive support team to enable the split of first- and last name fields in your account 🚀 ----- Hi I would like to know if I can export a list with the first and last name fields in diferent columns.
Group note
I just sent an email to 981 companies via Mailchimp. How can I make a note on each company to reflect what I sent? A group note.
Reminder to respond to emails- Similar to Boomerang App
It would be beneficial if you could send an email (and campaign) and have a setting to remind yourself to email them again if you don't get a response within a certain time period. This is an option I use with a plugin in my outlook called "Boomerang."
Email Subject Lines that get opened
Here are 10 Email Subject Lines that often grab attention "Exclusive Offer Inside: [Benefit or Deal]" "Don't Miss Out: Limited Time Offer!" "Your Personal Invitation: Join Us for [Event/Offer]" "Quick Question for You, [Recipient's Name]" "Just Released: New [Product/Service] for You!" "Unlock Savings Inside!" "Last…
personalized photos in email marketing
we use another program that allows to add various personalization to our individual or marketing emails or letters by the use of "tokens". there are tokens for the obvious, name address etc but there is also a token for "photophoto1" which can be placed in a template presized box the program now knows to place the…
Email Tracking - Better tracking system
We need a better way to track email opens through Pipedrive. We need a good Pipedrive chrome extension like they have on Hubspot. It would make it so much easier to send trackable emails. And the Pipedrive mobile app should send notifications when the email is opened as well.
How can I print a list with phone numbers of everybody that opened the email and clicked on the link
Once I have the information that your platform gives of who opened the email and more important who clicked on the link of what we are offering, right after that is WHEN we want to call our contact because it is HOT , they will remember what they received and good chances they will be interested so we can move on with the…
Product fields in email templates
This would save us a lot of time because we have 30+ products we sell where we use a very similar welcome template that would be better if we could customise it with product fields.
Email Automation Outlook
Streamlining your email communication is essential. In Outlook, you can set up rules to automatically categorize, forward, or reply to emails. This saves time and ensures you never miss important messages. Explore Outlook's “rules and alerts” feature to customize your email automation to your preferences.
Advice wanted: Marketing permission management
Hi, I am new to both Pipedrive and Campaign Monitor and I am looking to create a smooth, GDPR-compliant, easy-to-overview setup for our marketing permissions. I know I can integrate the two, which I intent to do, but can I then see, say, on a person overview if there is a newsletter subscription (through Campaign Monitor)…
Email next / previous tabs
Where did next and previous arrows go from the inbox? Did these get lost when adding labels? I need to go back to the inbox after each email now.
Help sending a manual email and if not responded to sending a follow up template?
I'm new to PD and can't seem to figure if this is possible or not. I want to have a call with a customer, send a email based on the call (so can't be a template email), and then if they don't respond, then send a follow up email. Is that possible?
E-Mail Automation in Leads and creating a task
Hi there, my first question here :-) The case is the following: We've imported many Leads into Pipedrive. I want to send in all Leads an E-Mail Template, called “Template 1”. I started this, when I trigger all Leads with a new label. All Leads are sending my template, everything is fine. But now I would like to create an…
Sending campaigns to multiple filters at the same
Hi, I think it would be great if it could be possible to send campaigns to multiple filters at the same time. I think it will be useful for many users. Let me know if it could be useful for other users too. Simone
Group Email Bulk Sending
It would be more than helpful to have an updated/upgraded way to send emails to groups larger than 100 people. Currently, it will only send out to 100 at a time, which is fine, except for that it doesn't have an option after that to follow-up with sending to the rest of the people. Thanks!