How do I add a second company to pipedrive??
I am trying to find the option to add a second company to my pipedriveaccount but cant seem to find it. Is it a disabled option?
파이프드라이브 가이드: 커스텀 데이터 필드는 어떻게 추가하나요?
질문: 커스텀 데이터 필드는 어떻게 추가하며, 어떻게 사용할 수 있나요? 답변: 파이프드라이브 '데이터 필드' 설정에서 커스텀 필드를 추가 및 삭제하실 수 있습니다. 알아두면 좋은 내용: * 커스텀 필드에는 다양한 데이터 타입이 있습니다. * 모으고자 하는 데이터의 유형에 맞춰 필드 유형을 설정하시면 좀더 양질의 데이터를 모으실 수 있습니다! < 커스텀 필드 추가하기 > 파이프드라이브 '개인 환경 설정' -> '데이터 필드' 를 클릭합니다. (주의: '데이터 필드' 탭이 보이지 않을 경우, 관리자에게 권한을 요청해야 합니다) 데이터 필드 우측 상단의 '사용자 지정 필드…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 새로운 유저 초대하기
질문: 시트를 업그레이드했는데, 유저를 초대하고 싶어요. 어떻게 해야 하나요? 답변: 파이프드라이브의 관리자라면 업그레이드한 시트 수만큼 유저를 초대하실 수 있습니다. 유저 초대는 업그레이드한 시트 수 이상은 불가능합니다. 주의 : 시트와 유저는 다른 개념입니다! * 시트 : 과금되는 인원 수 * 유저 : 파이프드라이브 실제 사용자 수 시트 수 이상의 유저 추가는 불가능하며, 과금된 시트 수 이상의 유저를 추가하실 경우 시트 업그레이드가 필요합니다. 파이프드라이브 관리자 계정 접속 후 우측 상단의 프로필 클릭 후 '회사 설정'을 클릭합니다. '회사 설정' 화면에서 '사용자…
Tile - Pipeline
@Mike van der Valk thank you for your answer on my question about the tiles on pipeline. I have reviewed the videos and the information available online, but couldn't find a way to customize the tiles themselves, like below. I would like to add more info there, such as product, probability and expected close date, for…
Tracking Events Attended
Hey all, we run different events and want to be able to search / filter people depending on events that they have attended. We have been using a custom field (multiple options) to track when people attend our events (which has worked great for tracking, filtering and searching who has attended different events). But, we…
Hi, I'm new to Pipedrive. Does anyone know what is the best plugin to manage a LinkedIn outreach cam
Hi, I'm new to Pipedrive. Does anyone know what is the best plugin to manage a LinkedIn outreach campaign through PD?
Any recruitment people working in Pipedrive
Hey guys, My name is Coen from the Netherlands. Right now we are integrating everything in Pipedrive for our recruitment agency. However, we are still figuring out the best practices to implement everything in our company. So, are there any other recruiters here who have some tips regarding the funnels, integrations and…
Looking for professional consultant to assist with setting up Insight and Dashboard from my company.
Do you know what a Pipedrive CSM does?
Hi Pipedriver Have you ever wondered who are those magical creatures called Customer Success Managers? What do they do? And how can you catch one for yourself? A Customer Success Manager is a person who is dedicated to helping you have a successful journey with Pipedrive. Here are some main things that they focus on: Helps…
Extended trial period
14 day trials is really not enough for an organisation who is new to CRM in general and when the first attempt is in sales and partner enablement. So my question is how or can the trial be extended for a more reasonable time say 3 months to allow for the processes to completely follow through. Also on my trail version I…
Different Automations for deals in different localities
Hi, We have a Contact Forms 7 form on our WordPress site with CF7 Pipedrive Integration. When a lead submits the form, the integration creates a deal in Pipedrive, and the prospect gets an email. We'd like to have one email go to international leads and a different email going to leads in the United States. Is there a good…
Volume pricing
Hi, I have a sales model that uses Volume Pricing eg 1 item costs $100; 20 items cost $90 each; 50 items cost $80 each, which makes quoting currently a very manual process. The usual way recomended to handle this is to create a separate product for each price level. Now, this would work nicely if I only had a few products,…
Setting up new account - users have different email addresses
Hi, I will be setting up new pipedrive account for different company. Can there be users, that have different emails or it has to have same domain email?
Setting up a pipe for Account Management
Hey All! I work in sales and account management for a small marketing agency in Kansas City. I love Pipedrive as a sales CRM, but does anyone have any tips for setting up a pipe to manage current clients? I've set up a pipeline, but it doesn't quite flow how I would like. Any tips, tricks, or extensions would be…
Does my VOIP from MS Teams work with the caller?
How to show or hide Pipedrive data fields per pipeline
I often get asked if you can show/hide fields on certain pipelines or at certain stages. While you technically can't disable a field from showing on a particular pipeline, there is a workaround we can use. Set all your data fields to NOT display in the details view. Then go through each field and customise the…
Activity log
Hi, I'm trying to identify why an organisation on a few deals has changed from one company to another. Is there anywhere where I can see a log of who has accessed Pipedrive and, more specifically, what they have done?
Group or Bulk Email with Filter
Can you create a filtered list of deals and send a bulk email out? E.g. all deals in NZ
Is there a way to save a customer's card on file?
Delete import after 48 hours
how can i delete an import after 48 hours? we're new here on Pipedrive Thanks
How do I create multiple new deal for a list, at once, instead of doing it one by one?
Hi... I uploaded data of 100 companies... i want to place all them at the begining of th pipeline, a new deal, so, it's easoer to visualize. Is there a way of adding all them at once, or do i have to it one by one? Thank you
Merging two spreadsheets within Pipedrive
How to combine an existing database in Pipedrive with new information associated with a lead, through a new spreadsheet. Hi to all Pipedrivers, I am quite new to the Pipedrive systems and subsequentially have a few questions on the functionality of data and merging/ linking data within Pipedrive of existing leads. I have…
Uploading data sets via spreadsheets.
My problem with multiple rows of the same item categorization!!!! Hey, I hope I am able to find some helpful answers here. The problem I am running into is more in regards to visibility & functionality. * If I import a data spreadsheet, where I have multiple rows of the Phone numbers, Landline, and Cellphone numbers…
Email hygiene in pipedrive
Hi, I have set up email synchronisation in pipedrive and I like the way it allocates emails to accounts. However, there are also a lot of dross emails that get synched and I find myself spending quite bit of time deleting emails from my pipedrive synch account. Any tip son making this a bit more efficient and elegant? for…
Email & Subject intergration
Hi! Today I thought that it would be an amazing feature it when you went to send an email out of pipedrive the subject of that email would automatically fill with the title of the deal. I have no idea if its possible but it would be an amazing time saver if possible.
Wrote a detailed post on automated leads assignment in Pipedrive
Post: https://www.amitsarda.xyz/post/pipedrive-automate-leads-assignment I appreciate any feedback and comments.
Même offre pour plusieurs pipelines
Bonjour, Je m'explique, j'aimerais associé la même offre a 2 pipelines différents. Dans un premier temps, l'offre est créer dans mon pipeline COMMERCIAL puis dans un seconde temps j'aimerais qu'elle apparaissent dans mon pipeline CHEF DE PROJET tout en restant dans le pipeline COMMERCIAL. Le but étant au d'avoir un suivi…
This little tip just saved me from punting Pipedrive.
If you are syncing your emails and frustrated by the noise in your inbox, then you were like me. The lack of custom filters defines frustration. Then Stacey in support showed me this feature that is probably not used enough. I took a course on gmail and was converted to a believer of inbox zero. Lots and lots of filters…