Label Field
I see that its now possible to select multiple values in the deal label field. Is it possible to turn that off and limit each deal to one single value selection in the label field?
Label Field
I see that since I have last used piprdeive that the Label field now works a bit different for deals vs. people and contacts. Can someone point me in the direction to learn more about the differences, etc.
Insights on Labels not working
I get the following error when creating a report based on a custom lead label "This report contains a custom field that no longer exists." - I have checked and the label / custom field exists. It also shows up correctly in the report preview, but then when I click on save it breaks. Please help!
Mutliple LABELS
Is there a way to put multiple lables on a project? We are currently using labels to track and report on projects based on product manufacturer, but sometimes there are multiple manufacturers on a project. Thanks in advance!
How can I add a label to a contact by entering through a webform created within Pipedrive?
multiple labels in a deal
Is it possible to attach multiple labels to a given deal?
What are creative ways you tag your contacts within Pipedrive? What is your primary use of the Tag f
What are creative ways you tag your contacts within Pipedrive? What is your primary use of the Tag feature?
Global and Local Labels
It would be awesome if you could introduce Global and Local labels. We have different Project Boards for different types for projects. For some types of projects, labels can be the same. But, we do also have Projects Boards where the labels that we are using, are specifically for those type of projects that is in this…
If / then for custom fields
Hi, it would be great to have an if / then function for custom fields and labels I mark my contacts as clients and suppliers and I need different information and custom fields for those contacts. So it would be great to have a function like "if organisation has label client then make custom field A selectable" and "if…
I'm missing the tag (person, organization) in the lead
We use tag (label) for person and organization. They work well in the deal section, but are not visible in the lead section. Do you know if this can be turned on somewhere? Alternatively whether this feature is being worked on?
Multiple Labels
Would like to assign several different labels to a deal. Same with organisations or persons. There is plenty of room up there to the right until my foto. When do you change that? Or is there a reason against it?
Label to webform/chatbot leads
It would be great to be able to set specific lead label to leads from different webforms or chatbots in the "submit options" panel.
PipeDrive - Email labels
Hello there! Is there a way to put labels on emails on PipeDrive like how it was sorted out on Gmail?
Best practices to use Leads labels
Hi Community, We recently started using leads as part of the sales process. Naturally a lead is converted only it passed our qualification criteria. Our leads are mostly outbound. I'd appreciate to hear some of your best practices and tips on how you use labels. Are you using it to flag the outbound sequence stage (i.e.…
Include a new condition in automation workflow : if "label" is empty
Automation workflow does not allow to select "if contact label is empty" as a condition. We can only select "if label became, if label is, if label changed"
Feature request: ability to group Leads
Hello Pipedrive team! I am new to Pipedrive and currently setting everything up (importing data, setting up email templates, etc.). I understand that the "Leads" section is brand new is still in beta, and I'm really looking forward to that feature growing. One suggestion I have for "Leads" is to have the ability to create…
Lost my Labels need help to go backwards or undo
Hello and help, please. Help !!! Lost all my tags as I ticked the all button for bulk edit and end up removing all my tags. Anyway, I can go back to morning settings??
Is there a way to setup an automation which pulls the organisation label through as the deal label o
Is there a way to setup an automation which pulls the organisation label through as the deal label once created? and second point is there a way to mass update organisation labels?
Workflow Automation to make custom field match label
I would like to make a custom deal field that automatically matches the deal label. We label deals based on the purchase number of that organization e.g. purchase 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. but I want to be able to see this label in the left column of the deal, not have to scroll up to the top to see it, so was thinking to make…
Labels are missing in list view
Each deal has a label, but when I change to list view, the labels column is empty. How can I troubleshoot this?
Leads through to Deal tracking
Hi folks, When a lead comes through I label them with the nature of enquiry, however, when it becomes qualified and moves to a deal, these labels are lost which really isn't ideal because I can't track the nature of enquiry through to conversion. Is there a way of the lead labels carrying through to info on the deal? I…
Join our research: how information is organised in Pipedrive [CONCLUDED]
EDIT: We have concluded this research session. If you have any comments, please post in the comment section :) Hi everyone 👋 I am looking to talk to users of Pipedrive about how information is organised in Pipedrive. The topics we will touch in this research are: * How do you find different types of information? * How do…
Filtrera på orgnr och uppdatera label
Hallå alla! Jag har en pipedrive-databas på ca 5000 st organisationer (samtliga med ett unikt orgnr). Jag vill filtrera dessa med en excel-lista innhållande 300 orgnr och där det matchar mot databasen vill jag uppdatera label för just dessa organisationer i pipedrive. I det fall det är möjligt så vill jag se vilka…
segmenting customers
Hi I am evaluating Pipedrive and need to be able to segment customers. For Example, I will send a different type of email to a customer that is technical compared to one that is business orientated. and at times a customer will be both. Is there a way of doing this? My previous CRM let me add multiple tags that I could…
Label - Organisation <> People automation
Hello! Is there a way to create an automation that every time I update a Label's organisation it updates all people linked to the same organisation with the same Label too? Thanks!
🗣️ 💬 Campaigns: Q&A | volume 4
Happy Thursday, Pipedrivers! Another Q&A session here. I think I've exhausted all the questions and feedback after this post, so keep them coming in the comments ✏️ Q: Will you be providing a competitive analysis for other email marketing products such as Constant Contact? A: Yes. Expected at the end of Q3 when we will…
Creating different Activities based on a Label
I want to create an Activity when a Deal Stage is marked Done. Easy enough. But I also want to have a different due date for the Activity based on the Person Label (Using Hot, Warm, Cold) So every time an Activity is completed for a Hot lead it creates a new Activity due in say 2 days. Every time an Activity is completed…
Can you add this option that from the deal page it can chancge the label of the lead itself? I'm sur
Ich habe eine Frage zu Label Funktion in Pipedrive ( siehe Video )
Danke Ich habe weitere Labels vergeben. Sie tauchen aber in der Workflow Automation nicht auf. Nur die 4 Standard Label sind dort. Gruß Florian https://www.loom.com/share/0599ddbba49742aa93867299ca6e9dc9
Is there any way to automate a workflow for Labels
When an Organisation updates or changes a label, can the contacts in the Organisation also be updated to have the same label as an automation? I cannot see how to make this automation work. Thanks