Find all my comments and mentions
Hi there, is it possible to find on a list all my comments made as well all my mention entries? I can find all the mentions where there is an answer (Sales Assistant), but how do I find my mentions where there is no answer? Thanks for your comment
Web Form - Find Data
It would be great if you could allow for web forms to find existing data in the CRM. For example if a automated start chat appears with questions of I'm new here / I'm an existing customer and then if existing customer is chosen their contact details (Phone/Email) is used as a unique ID to search in Pipedrive and then link…
Is there a way to export the latest entry in the Notes field of every deal? Thanks for your help!
Is there a way to export the latest entry in the Notes field of every deal? Thanks for your help!
Export of "Notes" field
Hello all, Could you please advise me how to export "Notes" field in Pipedrive. Among the fields available in the list view I can't find this field. Thanks
How do you download notes?
Again, many of my deals are long cycles with a lot of activity during that cycle. I have used notes in Pipedrive but the problem is sometimes I need to share or reference my notes. If I am sharing my notes with others outside of my small one person company there is no way I can see to do this. Is there a way I am missing…
Activities, Planning & Outcomes
I am trying to make some sense of the activities feature - and how to effectively use this in our workflow. For instance - we have an activity type "Face to Face Customer Meeting" * One of my reps schedules a meeting with a customer for Monday 06/01. We start an activity of the F2F kind for this scheduled meeting. * We…
How are you entering notes into Pipedrive during a videoconference? Notes? Activity Notes? Images
How are you entering notes into Pipedrive during a videoconference? Notes? Activity Notes? Images show the options I've found on my own . . .the Notes fields are so small . . . any way to hide the sidebar and other stuff so that we can see a bigger Notes field? (the 3rd pic is an RTF file I'm actually using to take notes…
Link a note to deal after it has been created on org level?
Is there any way to link an existing note that had originally been created on organisation level to a deal other than copy / paste the content into a new note? thanks!
More Note Formatting Options
It would be helpful to have more control over the Notes. * Have Strike Through as an option * Font color options * Ability to create a Template for Notes * Ability to Tab * Ability to create a Check List
No link in pinned notes
I have an link, which i write in a Note. It works in the note. But if I pin it to the top, it shows only the text without the link. Is this a bug?
Why can't we search any keyword in Activity Notes?
I cannot search anything from the notes I have taken in activities. I have taken lots of notes in several meetings but after a while when I make a search for some keyword in several activities, search doesn't find any result? Why is that? Is there any way to enable it? Thank you..
Smarter pin note in deals/organisations
So here is the thing - we have lot of meetings with companies - this creates a lot informations. That brings a lot of great insights. However, notes are piling and diminish in timeline. It would be great to have one smart "pin note" where I could write all insights, notes or keywords with links to specific notes.
An edited note should show when it was last editied, and who last edited it
Currently, there's no indication on a note if the note has been edited and who edited it. The timestamp on the note only shows when the note was created and who originally created it. This can lead to confusion. Instead, the timestamp on a note should show if it was edited, when it was last edited, and who edited it. This…
Best Practices
Hello everyone, I'm curious about the best way to handle recording notes and activities when dealing with B2B! There are deals, organizations, and contacts that I'm able to leave such notes and activities under. Something I've learned is that leaving a note under 'deal' will replicate under all three (deal, org. contact) -…
Handschriftliche Notizen erfassen
Hallo zusammen, ich möchte gerne handschriftliche Notizen mit dem iPad machen. Hierzu gab es vor ca 2 Wochen eine Mail von PD, dass dies nun als neue Funktion implementiert ist. Bei mir funktioniert es leider nicht, kann mir jemand sagen wie ich das aktivieren kann? Vielen Dank.
Bulk Upload and Pin Notes to the Top
Hi! I can bulk upload notes, which is great! But how can I make sure these important notes are getting pinned to the top of the Organisaion, Deal or Contact? Thank you!
Notes and List-View Columns in Deals
When viewing Deals in list view... ..., there is a gear on the right side of the screen that allows me to select what columns I can display and sort for each deal (Activities to do, Contact person, Creator, Deal Closed on... etc). There is no way to view/sort the number of notes on any given deal, but it would be nice if…
What is the best way to see all the notes from a prospect's contact area in their deals?
Add a lead > contact created > add a deal. Notes from contact are not syncing over to deal. Should they sync automatically? I am having to look at the prospects "contact" file to read notes then back to deal.
Note-taking process in Pipedrive app makes no sense
Hello, I use the PD app to make calls while on the go. DURING my calls, I take notes. If the call lasts 20mn, and the person I talk to tells me figures, names, dates, etc. I want to write them down immediately. However, the Pipedrive app prompts me for notes for the call I'm on only AFTER I've hung up. I end up taking…
manage users / admin vs regular user
Need advice regarding how to manage users - admin vs regular users facing the challenge that the regular user can't see the notes that are in the deals, if I change to admin, they can see it but we can't have everyone as admins. please help? thanks in advance
Pull in Notes into custom filters
We have lots of information in the Notes field that users would like to pull in as a column when creating filters. Any plans to add Notes in as a filter option? Curiously, I've seen it in some Pipedrive helpdesk engineers screenshots....so it seems possible for insiders. @Josh Monifi
❗🎥 In Case You Missed It - Here's April's Update!
https://pipedrive.hubs.vidyard.com/watch/1xRfKi9hSwxsP7kAAYzwQ6?In case you missed it - Pipedrive has made a load of improvements to Leads. Not only can you send emails directly from the Leads Inbox, but you can control visibility of your leads for you or your teams, attach multiple notes, and import custom fields. 🔎 Want…
1-click edit for Notes/Activities etc.
Hi Pipedrive team, In order to edit an Activity, you have to click in the top right-hand corner > find the Modify button > then type. Can we have sth like * double-clicking an Activity/note... edits it * maybe a keyboard shortcut like "e" in Confluence that lets you Edit a document * Or at least a quick Edit button I…
It would be really nice to be able to search for notes you have added, then download them as an acti
Mailigen Syncbot to Pipedrive actions
Great Interaction with Pipedrive support yesterday. I was typing up an internal note but I figured to share. I am thinking of putting all my pipedrive notes on posts so I can have everything in one place and share a little bit of knowledge. Mailigen syncbot to pipedrive supports - The options are that you can: * - Create…
New: Note Scanner for Android mobile app live this week! ✍️ 📲
Pipedrive Note Scanner for Android What? For those who like to take notes with pen and paper, Note Scanner allows you to transcribe your handwritten notes or print documents into Pipedrive! How? * Click the Notes Scanner button in any Note view in the mobile app. * Take a picture of your writing/printed text. * Notes…
Does someone know how I can pin a note to a deal in pipedrive?
Feedback on a Hackathon Idea (If it wins, we can build it in PD) 💡❗
Hi, I am Ambar, Product Manager at Pipedrive. We are working on a cool idea for Hackathon in Pipedrive. Our idea is called client portal. Basically, salespeople or account managers can share files, notes, documents or invoices with their client. And clients can create an account in PD and see all the communication. Clients…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 엑셀 스프레드시트에서 데이터 가져오기
질문: 기존 영업정보가 들어있는 엑셀 스프레드시트가 있는데, 이걸 파이프드라이브에 올리려면 어떻게 해야 하나요. 답변: 다음 네이버 블로그 포스트 참고하세요. 파이프라인 관리 팁: 엑셀, 스프레드시트를 사용하여 파이프드라이브로 데이터 가져오기(마이그레이션) 참고자료 * Importing data into Pipedrive with spreadsheets - 네이버 블로그 포스트 원문: 파이프드라이브 서포트 페이지
Como eu exporto as notas do pipe sem aparecer erros?
Estou extraindo alguns dados da base de dados mas aparecem assim no excel: "<b>FAZER</b> <div><b><br></b></div> <div><b>Resgate</b><br>RT TFN 23 - Liquidação: <b>01/02/2009</b><br> <span>- Liquidação:</span> <b>02/09/2009</b><br>RT Quatar <span>- Liquidação:</span>…