Activity log
Hi, I'm trying to identify why an organisation on a few deals has changed from one company to another. Is there anywhere where I can see a log of who has accessed Pipedrive and, more specifically, what they have done?
Coordinating and taking care of multiple Orgs
Dear Pipedrive, my company consists - through M&A and natural growth - of multiple "branches" that sometimes are practically identical to the existing company, and sometimes differ in various aspects of our business. Also, while the naturally added branches are within the existing team structure, M&A brings in new teams…
Insights for Organizations and People seems to be totally missing?
As our ISR's call and update our database, we need to track progress and get insights into the status of Organizations and People. Ability to build reports based on Organizational and People fields and statuses. Is there anyway to do this today?
Insights on organizations
Hello, So I want to have a report on each organisations/clients of our in Pipedrive with the following information: name, nr of deals started in a custom period of time, won deals, lost deals, sum of all deals (amount won, amount lost,) ticket size. All this in just one report. It is possible in pipedrive?
Multiple contacts for our Customer success team post winning
so we just brought our account managers/customer success team. they use pipedrive to make filters etc for their work. one of the things they do is they add persons to contacts and tie them to organization for who they deal with. The problem is is that sometimes' their person is different than who we talked to during the…
Main Contact column on Organizations Page
Hello. I have more than 1000 organizations on my list and i want to select and see Main Contact on organization list. Who is help us there, i want to select the one person for each organization next of organization name in Organizations page. Alternatively , if we can get columns from People column , i can get the main…
Sometimes you just have to realize that the best answer is often the simplest and over complicating things can just make it more messy. We were kind struggling with how to organize our database from a person and organization standpoint in certain instances. Organization : property management company Person: property…
Personalizar campos de dados = CNPJ
Criei o campo, porem ao cadastrar um CNPJ ele assume outro valor quando salvo a organização criada. Como resolver este impasse??
Ein Kontakt zwei Organisationen
Hallo Community, ich bin neu hier und habe auch gleich schon eine Frage. Ein neuer Kunde (Kontakt) hat zwei unabhängige Firmen (Organisation). Der Kunde möchte unser Produkt für seine beiden Firmen kaufen. Wie kann ich dies entsprechend im pipedrive vermerken. Ich habe versucht dem Kontakt eine zweite Organisation…
Types of organizations / Best practices existing ?
Hi, I'm looking for the way to create different types of organization in a pipeline. I will head for "hotels" and "harbors" in the same pipe, but the info I should provide to qualify hotels and harbors are not the same. I would not like to "pollute" the one and the other with information that only concern one type or the…
Use of organization/company URL/domain to prevent duplication. Pipedrive currently uses the organiz
Use of organization/company URL/domain to prevent duplication. Pipedrive currently uses the organization address to detect duplicates. This is a challenge and I would like to ask that PD expand the duplication feature by also allowing for org names + domain name to used to detect duplicated. We have names of prospects,…
Reassignment of organisations on closed deals
In the past some of our users assigned the incorrect company to their deals. These deals were closed a while ago. If I switch the organisation on each of these deals to the correct company, will the CLOSED deals now be reported under the correct company?
파이프드라이브 가이드: 엑셀 스프레드시트에서 데이터 가져오기
질문: 기존 영업정보가 들어있는 엑셀 스프레드시트가 있는데, 이걸 파이프드라이브에 올리려면 어떻게 해야 하나요. 답변: 다음 네이버 블로그 포스트 참고하세요. 파이프라인 관리 팁: 엑셀, 스프레드시트를 사용하여 파이프드라이브로 데이터 가져오기(마이그레이션) 참고자료 * Importing data into Pipedrive with spreadsheets - 네이버 블로그 포스트 원문: 파이프드라이브 서포트 페이지
Mapping new leads/deals to existing organizations
Hi Community! We want to have our web forms create a new deal, but not a new organization. Right now, every new web form creates a new deal. (great!) BUT I don't want it to create a new organization if there is already one live! Is it possible to map this lead (create a look-up) and have them merged vs creating a new one?…
I was hoping to produce a list of our top 20 accounts, sorted in descending order by the revenue the
I was hoping to produce a list of our top 20 accounts, sorted in descending order by the revenue they have brought in. I can get a list of all deals, but it doesn't sum up by organization. Wondering what I am missing to make that happen. I'm a bit of a newb to reporting, so appreciate any guidance. If this is covered in…
Handling an organization without contacts
I have an application which requires me to communicate with an organisation, rather than a contact, using the organisation's generic email address: infor@ How do I handle that in Pipedrive? * Add the organisation as a contact? * Add the organisation normally and then add a 'virtual' contact? * A better way? Any advice…
Organisation Filter Query
Hi, I need to create a filter to identify all organisations which have not created a deal since a certain date. Once the filter works I will need to bulk edit these items. It seems that there isn't a field available for the "last deal created date" and I can't filter through the deals for this since the action I need to…
Billing Contacts for Organizations/Deals
Hi! How does PipeDrive designate a billing contact for an organization/customer and/or an opportunity/deal? Do we need to create custom fields at the Organization level? Or do we designate one of the connected people contacts as the billing contact? The context of this is that we're integrating SaasOptics with our…
What is the best way to store organisations with more than one office?
We are currently adding a new organisation for the different offices but for the same company so that we can use the google maps feature and add people to the right office, but this gets confusing and can causes duplicates. Any ideas how you can still have the visibility of the offices but see all the deals on the same…
Multiple site(s) for one company
Hi there all.... am i missing this, but where can i add mutiple sites for the same company? say for example head office is A but then they open a satellite office at B or a working site at C, how can i add these extra sites on? Thanks in advance
Is it possible to sync organizations and contacts from the Leads inbox and the Deals section?
Hi, We very much like the Leads inbox but since we have deals going in and out from the same organizations and contacts, is there a way to open a Lead in the Leads inbox by finding an organization that already exists in the Deals section? And the same question for contacts? In other word, is there a way to not need to…
Merge (Betch process)
How to Merge Duplicate entries with fully identical information. Ideally I need some batch process ?