from CERO to 100%
I want to speed up my lead generation process; we have almost 100 leads some show interest, some need more content, some otrhers are on the first meeting stage and few more are on the negociating stage. What do you suggest? someone to help?
Batch create deals from contacts
I'm looking for a better way to select multiple contacts and then batch add them to an existing pipeline. I found this video that show how you can do it with automation. It's less than ideal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNm-PBE2o_Q TBH it's perplexing to me that this is not something that's already built in. Any ideas…
Lost Reasons by Stages
It would be very useful if loss reasons could be configured by stages on each Funnel. So that if the deal is lost in a certain stage/funnel, certain lost reasons shows and for another stage/funnel the loss reasons shown are different.
Lost Reasons by Stages
It would be very useful if loss reasons could be configured by stages on each Funnel. So that if the deal is lost in a certain stage/funnel, certain lost reasons shows and for another stage/funnel the loss reasons shown are different.
What would be the disadvantage of making one pipeline per service (about 2 to 5) ?
What would be the disadvantage of making one pipeline per service (about 3 to 5) ? Our business offer mostly 2 services. I am wondering the benefits and disadvantage of making one pipeline for each.
Archive pipeline - missing functionality
I know many people use pipedrive for the multiple pipeline support. However, the inability to archive old pipelines no longer in use is a big missing piece of functionality for us. There are many times in which a pipeline is no longer needed, but you don't want to lose the deal history by deleting the entire pipeline. This…
Filter Activities by Pipeline
Hi I have 4 Pipelines. In Activities I want to be able to filter the tasks/activities by each of the 4 pipeline easily & quickly. It does not appear obvious or possible on how to do this. I would have thought this would have been automatic. How do I implement this via a quick setting / button? thank you
Accès visualisation seulement - pourquoi le même prix qu'une licence complète ?
Bonjour, J’aimerais savoir si je peux ajouter 2 accès pour 2 employés qui auraient seulement à visualiser la portion ''Affaire'' ou simplement un accès de visualisation du Pipedrive sans aucun droit de modifier, ajouter quoique ce soit. Il est certain que je ne peux pas payer 2 licences supplémentaires pour avoir ce type…
Disconnect leads from column created during the migration from Salesforce
We just migrated from Salesforce to Pipedrive using the Import2 plugin. We now have 2 stage columns imported from Salesforce: Closed Lost Closed Won In the PD pipeline, they are empty as the Deals in them are Lost/Won, so they disappear from the pipeline. We would like to get rid of those 2 kanban columns that are useless…
Sorting deals in the pipeline view by last done activity
Hi, Is there a way to sort deals in the pipeline view by last activity? The default "next activity" doesn't help much in our case and the "Deal update time" is not suitable either. In fact, we're updating some deal's fields via API and this would change the deal update time. Instead, I would like the sales reps in my team…
Shouldn't loss reasons be specific to pipelines ?
Hello, I use pipelines for: _ Pre-qualification _ Deals _ Projects (instead of the Project modules that is not helpful in my case) _ Internal Projects (instead of the Project modules that is not helpful in my case) Obviously, the loss reasons should be specific to pipelines (for the last two, it is actually a closed…
Option to choose default currency per pipeline
We use more than one pipeline and the option to have a different default currency per pipeline would be very beneficial.
Pipeline Stage Descriptions
We recently redesigned our pipelines according to specific criteria. It would be useful for the team to be able to refer to a description/instructions for pipeline stages (as an easy reminder).
How do I add instructions to pipeline stages?
We recently redesigned our pipelines according to specific criteria. It would be useful for the team to be able to refer to some kind of description or instructions for pipeline stages (as an easy reminder). Is there an existing way to add information like that?
Help with pipeline deal visibility
Hi Team, I have 2 questions: I want to add 2 sales people. I want that they both use the same pipeline, but only see their deals/leads and work. How can I implement this? Both sales peoples get leads from the same source. How can I split the leads to these peoples or automate it like the system checks if someones calendar…
New: Improved permissions + custom fields
Hi Pipedrivers 👋 I’m excited to share some product updates to help you tailor your team’s data based on roles, safeguard sensitive information and enhance your focus in 2024. So, what’s new? Better pipeline visibility controls – keep your data safe by restricting pipeline visibility to relevant teams and roles Clearer deal…
Merged: Insights: Track Same Stage Across Multiple Pipelines
This discussion has been merged.
Pipeline: Track Same Stage Across Multiple Pipelines
Currently, each time a new Pipeline is created the stages entered are all recognized as new stages even if the same stages have been used in previous Pipelines. This means that when you create a report in Insights to look up the same stage across all of your Pipelines, the stages are not grouped and the reporting is not…
SaaS business : How to manage pipelines ?
Hello everyone, I’m running a SaaS business and seeking advice on effectively managing pipelines in Pipedrive. Our business model involves selling subscriptions and individual products: Subscription: 1-year unlimited access to all our three products. Individual Products: Product A, Product B, Product C. When engaging with…
Color coding the deal funnel
Another level of visual categorization in the deal funnel board would be helpful to identify categories of deals. Specifically, allow the user to color code each of the tiles, similar to how one can color code Outlook calendars with a right click. The user can create their own color system to help different types of deals…
Filter: Show deals which INDEED reached a certain stage (and not only came past it)
We sometimes have "fast forwards" for deals in our sales pipeline. For example sometimes customers don't want a presentation of our product but directly buy that product. Then we directly forward the according deal to the "sold" stage i.e. the deal skips the pipeline stage "product presentation". If I now create a deals…
Quick filter for Pipeline, Leads inbox, Contacts, Email
During my daily work I often need to quickly filter through the Pipeline (Company name, contact person, etc.) but the only real way to do that is by creating a new filter. The "Search Pipedrive" is useful not but great because it's a global search, while what I'd need is a "local" filter: if I'm in Pipeline I want to…
It would be wonderful to be able to customize the deals side-bar depending on the pipeline ?
I have different pipelines who require different informations in the side bar. It would much more user friendly to have side-bars that are customized depending on the pipeline.
Pipeline View Needs a "Show All" Toggle
It has never made sense for our organization that WON & LOST Deals drop out of Pipeline view by default. Heck, it took me over 2 years in the system to realize that we could even create a filter to show these Deals in Pipeline view, that's how used to it I had become! Utilizing a "show all" filter is becoming more of the…
Default deal display fields
I need to override the default pipeline behavior to display each deal’s PERSON instead of the ORGANIZATION. Removing the connected ORGANIZATION is not an option. Thanks for help! Joel
Add opportinity managment to deals (similar to projects)
Hello! We as sellers and sales managers face the difficulty to qualify and manage opportunities (e.g. deals) along the way, without losing the oversight of the progress. Especially for B2B SaaS sales for mid-market and enterprise customers, we would need a way to add methodologies such as MEDDPICC, MEDDIC, BANT, SPIN, etc.…
Exporting all stage change dates
It would be a big improvement to be able to export all of the stage change dates for a deal, and not just the last stage change date. I would like to be able to calculate the times between specific stages and currently there is no way to do this. This is for open deals as well as for won/closed. Deal NAme - Stage Name -…
Organizations Current Time based on Timezone to Show in Deal Header
I wish that you could set the time zone of the organization or deal and it would show that deal's current time in the header when you opened that deal. That would save me so much time and brain power.
Pipeline's Visibility
The improvement of being able to select the Pipeline's work for each visibility group was incredible, however the restriction directly impacts the Organization's history, an inactive Pipeline or Pipeline that share products or solutions with other groups is so important in building arguments in the new sales tentatives. A…
Jumping from a Deal to its Pipeline
How can I jump from a Deal to the Pipeline that it is in? I know I can edit the Pipeline and Stage from the bottom left dropdown under the progress bar. But can I jump from a Deal to the Pipeline itself? Seems like something Pipedrive should be able to do! If this is not possible, I will put this in as a feature request.