Utilizing another Pipe after a Deal is "Won"
Ok so there are a few posts about this issue, that when a deal is WON although you can bring it up and submit information to it. It canNOT be placed in a working pipe. Say Customer Onbaording. You can create a copy and ReOpen it but then the "Copy" has none of the history of the original deal. I am trying to find a way to…
See average time per stage
Hi, I would like to know if anyone knows any platform or way that I can know the average time in minutes of the client is in the business stages. I saw that this data is saved in the api, but I am not finding any way to achieve this.
Noob question: moving stadium when leads uploaded documents.
Hi all, I just got started with Pipedrive and am currently building my deal flow. The third step of my deal flow is that leads upload documents. I don't really care where they are uploaded or through what kind of form. I just want the deal stadium to move to the next step once my leads have submitted the documents and stay…
Colouring Deal Stages in the Pipeline
Hi, I would really like if there was a paint brush or paint bucket item on the pipeline to allow me to colour deals in a custom colour, or alternatively a corresponding label colour. This will allow me to visually see whats hot, whats cold, whats warm etc. Thanks, Harry
Feature request: view product (or product category) in Kanban view deal cards
Hi guys It would be really helpful to be able to choose which info you see in deal cards within kanban view. For instance, we have to include products within deal titles to be able to easily see what the deal is for - in the same way the org appear on the card, it would be great to show the associated product and/or…
What do you do with Closed/Finished/Expired/Old Pipelines?
At our company, some of our Pipelines are used for recruitment into programs. Our teams recruit folks via Deals, and once enough companies have been recruited, the effort stops, Deals are marked as Won or Lost, and the Pipeline goes out of use. Since all Deals are marked as W/L, the Pipelines are empty (in Pipeline view).…
Veja como funciona a nova Função Projetos no Pipedrive!
Keep WON/LOST Deals in Pipeline View
Pipedrive should add a feature, at the Pipeline level, to toggle on/off if Deals should still show up in Pipeline view when a Deal is WON or LOST. It is really difficult to continue to explain this feature to our users because to them it looks like no Deals were won/lost. Then we need to set up a List view to show them…
I've been scratching the head for a while on what to do with old deals that we didn't win? Right now
I've been scratching the head for a while on what to do with old deals that we didn't win? Right now, we move them to a "Lost but subscribed" pipeline to keep the history, and they are added to our email campaign, but this is a bit redundant cause they go on our email campaign list regardless. Are we safe to delete their…
Does anyone know/can you - put certain permissions on a stage so only certain users can move deals i
Hi! Short question: Is it possible to create a funnel mirror? For example: create a General Funnel,
Organizing deals in Pipeline view based on Date created
Wouldn't it be really useful to be able to organize deals in the pipeline from the most recent ones to the oldest ones?
How to have a Pipeline view showing all the WON deals Last Year?
The filters conditions don't offer this as Relative Intervals.
Customize what shows up in tiles
Feature request: one thing I would love to see is being able to edit what shows up in the tiles in the Pipeline view. Our teams want to be able to change this information based on their needs. Any plans for this?
Feature Request: Manual Edit Deal Timelines
Is there a way for me to use legacy data to create a new pipeline with data over the past 3 months that wasn't on Pipedrive? E.g I know how long a company stayed in each stage of a certain pipeline but I can't write that data manually at the moment. Also if I'm on holiday and don't move the deals along the pipeline when I…
Stage Probability should set probability for all deals within that stage
It would be great if, when setting a stage's probability, deals that move into that stage are automatically given that probability. If they are manually changed this could override that, but the stage probability would be default, instead of the default being blank. This would be useful for us because we like to see the…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 파이프라인 뷰에서 거래는 어떻게 정렬되나요?
질문: 파이프라인 뷰에서 거래가 정렬되는 순서가 궁금합니다. 거래명에 따라 정렬되는게 아닌가요? 답변: 파이프라인 뷰에서 거래가 정렬되는 순서는 다음과 같습니다. * 활동: 거래와 연동된 활동의 상태에 따라 정렬되고 * 생성시간: 1번이 동일할 경우, 최신 거래가 위에 오도록 정렬됩니다. 먼저 1번 '활동' 조건에 대해 설명하겠습니다. 파이프드라이브에서 거래는 이와 연동된 '활동'을 중심으로 진행되므로, 각 거래에 대해 진행할 다음 활동이 핵심입니다. 그러므로 각 거래 옆에는 해당 거래와 연동된 활동이 어떻게 진행되는지 네가지 색상으로 구분합니다. * 빨간색 (경고):…
Details for Multiple Pipelines
The nature of our business and use case is such that we have multiple pipelines. The detailed information that I would like to collect and reference for each is very different (even for the same contact or organization). We really need a way to have have different custom "details" populate depending on which pipeline a…
My current setup in Pipedrive just isn't working.
I think I need an overhaul but I don't know what a better setup looks like. I am the equivalent of a personal trainer. I'd love some thoughts and best practices. I've been researching other CRMs to see what makes sense for me and I think that PD is still the best solution for my business but need to streamline this so I am…
Customize "pipeline" view
Would be great if I could customize the pipeline view - I need to see who the owner of the deal is, without filtering. Would be really beneficial for managers of the tool
Pipeline approach
Hej på Er, Hoppas kunna få lite smart vägledning och tips av lite Pipedrive rävar här inne. Kommer själv från Hubspot världen närmast men ska nu sätta upp en Pipedrive struktur för ett bolag och klurar på det här med prospektering och dealpipelines. I Hubspot gjorde vi så att vi satte upp en Pipeline som hanterade…
multiple countries, local PD
What can we do as compagny if we want to use Pipedrive for multiple countries? Each pipedrive should local managed.
Send the Zapier deals to a specific pipeline
Dear Support, Is there anyway to send a new deal from website to a specific pipeline? Currently it is going to a default pipeline and below is my Zapier setting * Trigger - New Form Entry in WPForms * Action - Deal in Pipedrive I am not able to find any settings on the Zapier end. Thanks
Pipe view for organizations
It would be great to be able to add the Pipe view to organizations !!! and have the possibility to silo with the item we want ;) Would gladly discuss about it !
Como posso monitorar os dados de um deal que precisa passar por 2 pipelines diferentes? Um de pré-ve
Como posso monitorar os dados de um deal que precisa passar por 2 pipelines diferentes? Um de pré-vendas e ao sair do processo entrar no pipeline de vendas. Não faz sentido o deal não conter registro do seu ciclo completo. Alguém pode ajudar com isso?
Boa Tarde Pessoal! Quando o negocio é colocado como perdido por um executivo comercial e depois outr
Boa Tarde Pessoal! Quando o negocio é colocado como perdido por um executivo comercial e depois outro executivo solicita a conta...qual a pratica correta? transfiro o negocio perdido também ou apenas a Organização?
Boa tarde pessoal, alguém pode me informar se quando arrasto a etiqueta de um cliente (ex:) do prime
Boa tarde pessoal, alguém pode me informar se quando arrasto a etiqueta de um cliente (ex:) do primeiro estágio do funil (Novos leads) diretamente para o terceiro estágio (V1), o pipe contabiliza que passou pelo segundo estágio?(primeiro con..) Ou preciso arrastar para o estágio dois e depois para o três para ele…
😀 🎉 NEW: Emoji support in your Pipeline and Stage names 🎉 😀
What? You can now make your Pipedrive stages and pipelines truly unique using your favorite emojis! For whom? All plans How? As you are renaming your pipeline or stage, just press Command + Control + Space (Mac), or Windows logo key + . (period) on your Windows computer to see your emoji keyboard pop up on your screen. 🔔…