Forecast Report - annual value dropped into one month
On the Forecast reports, the full value of the deal (annual revenue) is placed in the month or quarter where the deal is won or expected to close. The Forecast report should be able to display expected revenue by month or quarter, not just the full annual amount dropped into the starting period. Is there any way around…
Recurring Revenue feature in Products
Are there any updates regarding the integration of the recurring revenue feature in the "product area" of the deals? As we discussed this issue in multiple other threads its a big intrestpoint for us and many others as the feature in its current state is prettymuch worthless to us.
Recurring Revenue Subscription Period
Hey all! I am just posting to let people know that I just submitted a request to have a "6 month" option added to recurring revenue - I have clients who pay every 6 months OR year, and it would be really helpful to be able to have that option. Is anyone else in need of this? If so, can you help me by putting in a support…
Recurring Subscription - Invoice to Xero
Hi All. I wanted to make use of the recurring subscription and the creation of invoices from within Pipedrive. Ideally, the details of the subscription (let's say £5 each month for 12 months) is created within the Pipedrive Subscription Section and when that date comes the sales invoice is generated by Pipedrive and pushed…
Summation isn't working for my subscription revenue report
Greeting, I have a question on subscription revenue report. This is some example data I generated for testing recurring revenue. The April data looks OK because it has only company for subscription revenue. From May to the end of the year, I have a wrong total sum. I have three recurring revenues but the total sum is…
Can we automate adding new recurring revenue ?
Hi, We are a sport leisure center and our billing is based on annual subscriptions. We'd like to track which "plan" our customers are on and when it expires. Is it possible to do that with the recurring revenue feature ? Can we automate with a Pipedrive workflow to add a new subscription to a deal (including amount, start…
Annual Subscriptions but with new deals
Hi, Our customers (see "contacts" on pipedrive) after a "deal" we have, they register to our services and pay for annual subscription, but then, they dont pay automatically every year, and sometimes, the amount changes, based on specific new needs/products. So, every year we should send a reminder for renewal of their…
💰 ACV vs ARR: What They Are, and Why SaaS Professionals Need Them
❓Which metrics do you rely on most as a SaaS sales, marketing or management professional, and why? Reply below. With the continued shift to subscription-based software driving growth that’s expected to reach $140.6 billion worldwide in 2022, SaaS companies rely on metrics to help monitor and harness that growth. Metrics…
Periodiserade intäkter?
Vi håller på och utvärderar olika CRM och har fastnat lite för Pipedrive. Våra säljare mäts både på fasta engångsintäkter men också på periodiska intäkter, typ 2000 kr/mån i 48 månader. Jag har sett att det går att skapa detta under Produkter men det jag undrar är om det på något sätt går att få till det att dessa 2000…
Renewal deals in Pipedrive
Hello everyone, My team and I are looking to test our approach of supporting the Renewal deals in Pipedrive. We're in the early stage of defining solutions for the problem and thusly are very eager to get insights from our end users. If your company has renewal deals, please leave your comment here so that I know whom to…
🧠 How to Add More Deals - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 4 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/doWLnPT9N3MThis video is about the first of 4 levers of pipeline flow: adding new conversations to keep your pipeline flowing. Timo also outlines the 3 steps to having a healthy sales pipeline and explains that you need to continue to find new sales opportunities in order to put new…
SaaS/HaaS subscription deals
How are folks working to use Pipedrive for SaaS deals so that ARR, new ARR projections, etc. are calculating correctly?
Changing default in Subscription and Payment Schedule
Hi there, Is there a way that I can change the default in the Subscription and Payment Schedule pop ups so that the default is that the recurring amount is NOT set as the deal value? Thanks
Partial sales
Hi folks, month ago Pipedrive announced for 2020-2 we could manage deals using "partial sales", in example I have an annual deal about USD 120.000 (for now 10.000 each month), I want to follow that 12 deals monthly, track it to see each month the relation with customers and details, maybe increase or decrease the next…
Revenue input - does it send communications to person / organisation on the deal?
I am keen to start using the revenue functionality in the deal view. Does it send outgoing messages such as emails to the organisation / person listed on the account? (I don't want it to, purely for internal reporting)
Tracking Revenue
I have been using the deal value as our first year revenue figure and the subscription feature to track the re-occurring revenue. My problem is that all reports even the subscription revenue report seems to be pulling the deal value and not the amount I entered in subscription revenue. Does anyone have any suggestions? I…
Como prever o faturamento no Pipedrive? Aprenda tudo sobre o Pipedrive na https://www.academiadocrm.
Monthly incom forecaste
Is it possible to assign a deal an expected splitted monthly expected income during certain period of time to get a forecast of what is expected to income during the time instead of getting total values per deal?
Recurring revenue
Hi Pipedrivers, It would be great when setting up a recurring revenue on the deal level, to have the option to set up different revenues for different periods: a customer could be changing the tier he is on and this could give some accuracy if we were to track real revenue (less important for revenue forecasting)
What are your tips for "subscription deals"?
We're selling subscriptions to our services. Subscription starts with the deal is won. What's the best way to set this up? Is there a video/article for this kind of setup? * Is there a "subscription product"? It seems that products are made to be one-offs. * There's a subscription feature in deals, but it has a "start…
In our industry we have customers that make recurring purchases. However, those purchases are at var
In our industry we have customers that make recurring purchases. However, those purchases are at varied times, varied product, and varied cost. Being able to account for this all under an existing customer would be ideal. Right now we have to create a new deal for an existing customer each time they purchase. It is not a…
Community Roundup - Volume 7 🗣️
Hope everyone had a restful weekend! If you are looking to get your mind running again, check out these posts from our Sales Community and join in on the most interesting discussions: 🔥 How Can You Replace A Salesperson Without Harming the Relationship With The Customer? 🔥 How To Share Deals Externally Without Sharing…
Remove Recurring Revenue from Sidebar
Please add the ability to remove this and any other functions for the company as a whole. There are a few features we don't use and it gets in the way of using Pipedrive. This is especially confusing to some of our team users that are older and not computer literate. The more things in the way, the more difficult it is to…
Anyone got any experience with Recurring Revenue, when your deal amounts are always different based
Need a way to report revenue based on total contract value and the contract length, and can't get the recurring revenue to do the job I need to do. Currently have a custom data field, and export to Excel to do the calculations.
How to recycle champions and close deals easily in B2B
Hi pipedrivers! Over the last few weeks, I have been testing a quite innovative leadgen tool called Champlist (https://champlist.io). I am in the private beta program and I promised the founders that I will share my experience with the community if I close some deals with its help. To my surprise, thanks to Champlist I…
Deal value spread over time.
Hi all, first time posting here. I want to be able to split a deal value across multiple months, this would provide a more accurate forecast. Currently, it appears I can only do this by just replicating the project over and over again (which for 12 month retainers is annoying). The trouble with that is then it will skew…
Revenue Feature
Is the revenue feature in a deal only for recurring or can it be used for One-Time revenue? It's making one-time revenue recurring automatically.
Measuring CHURN/ARPA via subscriptions/recurring revenue
Hi, As SaaS company in a scaling up stage, we have almost 200 subscriptions added to PD. We were so thrilled this feature was added. Thanks for that. At this stage we are experiencing more and more the limitations of this feature. In general we'd like to have much more insights on the history of a customer's subscriptions.…
How to set deal value on a subscription based deal
I'm trying to set up a deal where what I'm selling is a subscription. Is says "Changes effective from" is a required field. However, since I don't know when (or if) the deal will close, how can I set the "Changes effective from"? All the best
Agency pricing in Pipeline
Hi, I think others are interested in this topic as well ... I have a small agency with different pricing models. Mostly we have monthly subscription model, but a few hourly based Services as consulting and training. I almost always made a mistake in pricing a deal - for example, how to calculate Deal value when it will be…