recording of sales
Hello How would you suggest me recording revenue for a saas product (license fee per employee) plus set up fees for the implementation?
Can be revenue field in deal be somehow taken out via API endpoint?
Hi, I am thinking about implementing this revenue field. We currently take out the value of the deal and make some prediction outside as we integrate other data. So I was wondering if I will put the data in this revenue field, whether there will be option to take it out via endpoint. Thanks
Hey.. I like the new REVENUE feature, but still there isn't way to set it automatically, via API more Zapier or even via list view. This is super important... Otherwise this feature is a manual one, and we like to automate things :)
Revenues - working with probability in stages?
Hi, I wanted to ask if pipedrive field revenue in deals are working with probabilities in stages when looking for some visual forecast in pipedrive.
Where is the Recurring Revenue data stored in Pipedrive?
Where is the Recurring Revenue data stored in Pipedrive?
Revenues in fiscal year
Here I share a question I made to Pipedrive that has no solution right now. It would be handy for us and maybe other companies are also interested in seeing this implemented. We offer a service and bill via monthly licenses (sometimes are paid all year upfront, etc) Can I see the revenues per natural year of the deals won…
SaaS terms on dashboards.
How can I add SaaS terms to a deal such that it would be able to be presented on a dashboard? For example, I sell a B2B subscription for a 3 year term (already can do this when adding a product, quantity and term of 36 months to a deal), can Pipedrive dashboard reflect this type of information?
All deals with recurring revenue?
How can I see all deals with recurring revenue?
How important (if at all) is it to you that you be able to enter multiple expected payments (revenue
How important (if at all) is it to you that you be able to enter multiple expected payments (revenue) from a client, on ONE SPECIFIC deal, with each payment being at an irregular time (e.g., when delivery benchmarks are reached)?
Super excited about the new subscription feature 🔥
Wanted to thank you guys for releasing the subscription feature. I am sure it's gonna be a favourite feature for a lot of companies specially in SaaS industry. We used to have a lot of hassles creating repetitive deals but now it should help us save a lot of time. Has anyone started using it? Like to hear how it helped…
recurring revenue
Goedemorgen Mike, ik zag gister iets over de optie om recurring revenue door te voeren in Pipedrive. Weet jij daar meer van ;-) groet, Michiel
How does the new Deals "Choose a billing plan" works?
Yesterday I saw above the details of a deal, a new field call "Choose a billing plan" and in general it seems that you can enter recurring revenue in different periods (weekly, monthly, annually, etc.). Does these values affect directly the deals total value amount or is more an internal reference value for the user? The…