Email settings
The following feature didn't work for me : Email tracking and email acknowledgement.
🇺🇸 US community meetup: Leveraging third party apps to Sell More with less effort.
👉Register here 👈 Drop your questions in the comments down here Topic: Leveraging third party apps to Sell More with less effort. Date/time: 2nd of November 2PM (EST) Duration: ~1 hour Speakers: Boris Tsibelman, automation expert, Pipedrive partner and founder of AxisConsulting and Justin Stephens, a veteran Pipedrive user…
Recommendation for Managing Won Deals w/ Products
Hi All, I'm looking for advice and suggestions from others on how they manage the actual fulfillment of won deals in Pipedrive. At the moment there seems to be no way to automatically push the data from a won deal to any other platform / gsheet / anything and also include the products associated with that won deal. Due to…
Time-based email automation
Hi Team, Hope you're all safe. I have an inquiry regarding time-based email automation. E.g. If Deal is rotting, send template 1, if last email received > 5 days, send template 2. Is this already working and I just don't know how? Is this in dev? or only on the roadmap? Thanks for sharing your thoughts as usual :) Richard
Lead source and repeat business
We have two pipelines in our PD - New Business and Repeat Business. And it's easy to track the Source of new business as a custom field when you get a new lead. But it's hard to find the original source of the leads after it moves to the Repeat Business Pipelines when you have multiple people involved and multiple products…
Activity (WEEK) view is GOOD! Need MONTH view too
Activity section has WEEK view only, within a week you can just drag an activity from Monday and and move it to Wednesday for example. However if I need to move an activity from 2nd OCT to 25 OCT, I ONLY can EDIT the activity so change 2 OCT to 25 OCT, I need a feature to MOVE it (DRAG and DROP). @Mike Gifford @Elizabeth…
WorkFlow Automation
Hey . I'm a new Pipedrive user and im thrilled to start with it ! I wanted to ask you all as a community about the automations in Pipedrive, what automation do you all use ? why do you use these automation ? how did you create it ? If you have some tips for automation that made your life easier please leave a comment .…
Is there a way to create internal email using Worklow Automation?
Hi all, We often require different teams to perform tasks depending upon the point in the timeline. For instance, when a new deal is added, I require our technical team to perform qualification before the deal can progress. In our other CRM we would have a rule where an email & activity would auto generate for said…
Lets share workflow automations! 🚀
Hey . I'm a new Pipedrive user and im thrilled to start with it ! I wanted to ask you all as a community about the automations in Pipedrive, what automation do you all use ? why do you use these automation ? how did you create it ? If you have some tips for automation that made your life easier please leave a comment .…
Deal won > Automatic email with products ordered
Hi everyone! I want to save time and limit the risk of error when I won a deal. Let’s say that I have a deal and there are products attached to it. When I click the deal is “won”, is it possible to send an automatic email to a colleague and include this information : * Company name + info * Contact name + info * All…
Link to AddPerson form
Hi guys Im alittle confused. Im developer and in our CRM we want to have a button which will link to Pipedrive page Persons with "Add Person" form. And few fields have to be predefined (like phone number) Is it possible somehow? Thanks
Community October roundup 🙌🏻
Over the last few weeks, the Sales Community was filled with awesome conversations between sales people and users. Check out the links below to see a handpicked selection of some of the most interesting discussions and join in the conversation. Sales related discussions 💰 * Tips for the best cold calling cadence * Where do…
Das zweite Pipedrive & Vertriebs-Webinar folgt direkt: Donnerstag, 22.10.2020 um 09.00 Uhr
Hallo miteinander, nachdem wir so tolle Feedbacks von vielen Zuschauen erhalten haben, haben wir uns für eine etwas kurzfristigere Aktion entschlossen. Diesen Donnerstag, am 22.10.2020 um 09.00 Uhr wiederholen wir das Webinar aus vergangener Woche. Nur diesmal mit Aufzeichnung für alle die Teilnehmen (sorry noch einmal an…
Send emails with custom design/HTML
Is there a way to create an email template purely with HTML? E.g gif banner with a gray background and content only in the center. Thanks in advance
Einbindung von Webshop Deals inkl. Kundendaten in Pipedrive
Liebe Experten, vorab ein "Servus" in die Runde - bin erst seit kurzem Pipedrive Nutzer und freue mich über brandheisse Tipps von echten Profis! Wir versuchen gerade das B2B Management via Pipedrive mit unserem B2C Traffic unseres Webshops zu verbinden, um ein strukturiertes Cockpit für alle Vertriebskanäle zu bekommen…
Konfigurera automatiserade arbetsflöden och slipp återkommande uppgifter
Ett CRM ska underlätta vardagen för de som arbetar med försäljning. En viktig del är att automatisera det som går att automatisera. Åtgärder som alltid ska utföras när en specifik trigger utlöses. Här finns det mycket tid att spara och så slipper man tråkigt arbete. Säljare hatar oftast administration. I Pipedrive CRM…
Pipedrive CRM Integration Guide
I am happy to announce that the brand new version of our over 50-page CRM Integration Guide is already live 🎉 This guide has been created based on actual stories with our customers and it showcases the possibilities that Pipedrive CRM provides to the organizations and teams. It also helps us in setting up specification…
Email notification based on rotting status
Am I missing something or is it not possible to create an email notification workflow automation based on a deal trigging the rotting condition?
it would be great to have smart bcc for pipeline and create deals based on it
I am solving this workflow - I forward email to pipedrive and want to create a deal based on it Any ideas?
Add Participants to Deals if person is within same organization linked to Deal
Dear Community, quick idea of today! Imagine I add new leads/person manually or via other misc integrations to Pipedrive and of course I would link them to an existing organization or create a new one therefore. My challenge NOW: How can I create a Zap in Zapier that links all person working at Deal Organization directly…
Update deal stage with new e-mail
Hi Guys! Do you know if it's possible to trigger when a new e-mail in a deal gets added? I want to automatically update the deal stage via zapier or pipedrive automations if possible. hope you can help! kind regards,
Automatisierung: Email an jemand X beliebigen
Guten Abend, nach einer halben Stunde suchen habe ich es aufgegeben. Es gibt die die Workflow-automatisierung: Beim verschieben in eine Phase sende eine email. Soweit so gut. Allerdings sind die Empfänger limitiert (Ersteller, Besitzer, Kontaktperson). Ich würde die email gerne an eine x-beliebige Person senden.…
Email automation
I am evaluating Klenty - Outfunnel - Mailigen. Need a simple automated drip campaign for B-B sales - not looking for high volume sends, but needs granular analytics and A/B testing on the email themselves... appreciate any feedback you can share.
Looking for someone who can help me get Pipedrive set up properly with our companies workflow: Deal
Looking for someone who can help me get Pipedrive set up properly with our companies workflow: Deal in Pipedrive > Proposal in PandaDoc > Proposal accepted in PandaDoc > Data back into Pipedrive > Send Invoice on that Deal / Proposal from Pipedrive and have that data sync automatically with Quickbooks Online.
It would also be interesting in Workflow Automation to be able to put an action when the email has b
It would also be interesting in Workflow Automation to be able to put an action when the email has been read... For example, action: call in 2 days
Workflow Automation Assign to Team
Im making a work flow automation and I'd like it to assign tasks to teams. Is there a way to do this or what does everyone else recommend for sales teams and workflows.
Przypomnienie o wysłanym mailu
Cześć, Szukam rozwiązania, które pozwoli przypominać o wysłanych mailach po zadanym okresie? może być słowo klucz w temacie, jakis hasztag w treści.
Strange behavior on Automations
I've created a simple workflow: when I add a label on a contact, send to it an email using a template. Simple and it works great! (I use it to send email to new leads when I intercept them, record on Pipedrive and change a custom field to trigger the automation... but this is not important now :-) ) The "problem" is that…