Web Form Improvements

Josh Monifi
Josh Monifi Member Posts: 142 VERIFIED MEMBER
250 Up Votes Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments

Web Forms is awesome! And we are rolling it out to more teams for different functions. But I have two improvements that it needs:

  1. The ability to grant someone access to edit Web Forms without having to make them an admin. Basically, how can this be added to the list of functions that can be toggled on/off in our permissions settings?
  2. Web forms needs the ability to use checkboxes, without having to add a new Org/Person field. Basically, the form needs to be able to display a list of items the user can check (or one item if it is a legal disclaimer they need to agree to), and then just drop that into the Leads notes.


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  • zack-fl
    zack-fl Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    It is completely stupid that Web Forms can't be accessed by our user so our web guy needs to become an ADMIN who can see all corporate deals? Completely unacceptable - looking for alternate CRM solutions.

  • Frank Filippelli
    Frank Filippelli Member Posts: 95 VERIFIED MEMBER
    25 Likes 25 Up Votes 10 Comments First Anniversary

    @zack-fl I agree, it seems as though they are just rolling out features with out any thought as to how it will actually be used in practice. Basic functionality is being completely ignored. 😡

  • Josh Monifi
    Josh Monifi Member Posts: 142 VERIFIED MEMBER
    250 Up Votes Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments

    We love Web Forms and use them a lot! But yes, the functionality definitely needs an update!!!