Insights and reporting for Projects

Morten Sørensen
Morten Sørensen Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited February 25 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

I've been closely following the development of the project module, and it's safe to say that I'm excited about the progress so far. However, I'm still curious about what the future brings in regards to a couple of features that are incredibly important for us:

  1. Adding projects to insights for progress reporting.
  2. Creating a workload report for all users assigned to open projects.

I apologise in advance is either has already been discussed and answered.

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  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited April 2022 #2

    Hi @Morten Sørensen 

    Thanks for sharing!

    Project insights are on our table but not as one of the first things as of now. We've learned it's important for our user but the main thing is to first get the features in the projects they need so they can use it after which the reporting becomes important. Coincidentally I had a chat with our Insights team yesterday to start planning our work on it. So not there very soon yet, but in the plans!

    On your second point, can you clarify a bit please how you'd like to see this work and what this feature will help you with?

    Looking forward for your reply :) 

  • LeoAnzoleaga
    LeoAnzoleaga Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @Mike van der Valk,

    I was wondering if you have an update on the ability of insights to show the progress, conversion rates, workload reports for Projects? Is it possible to create conversion reports that include multiple pipelines and projects?

    Thank you!

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi @LeoAnzoleaga

    Thanks for reaching out. Currently there's a "light" commitment to work on Projects Insights Q1/Q2 next year. Why I say light is because all our teams are in full planning/budgetting mode for next year. If all goes well we can stick to our planned timeline. It's definitely up there on our list of priorities ;)

  • LeoAnzoleaga
    LeoAnzoleaga Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @Mike van der Valk,

    I do have a follow-up question. Until the Project Insights are developed, is it possible to manually assess conversion rates, etc? Maybe export the data into Sheets or Excel?

    Another question that arose was, is it possible to send automated emails in the Projects portion of Pipedrive? How would that look?

    Thank you so much for your help!

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi @LeoAnzoleaga

    We'll be having a planning session in the first week of Oct where we'll probably be able to give exporting a spot in our prioritisation, then I'll know more about our team's plans in that area but that would indeed be helpful.

    Good news on the automations. You can already set up project automations. Just go to the workflow automation feature and you can set up triggers from the projects to send out automated emails or you can set up certain actions on the project side as well.

    Hope it helps and good luck!

  • Amit Sarda (
    Amit Sarda ( Member Posts: 1,604 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @LeoAnzoleaga

    I would have suggested setting up a data pipeline as described in this article, but Projects are not supported yet in Coupler. You can check if Flatly has added support for this and then you can analyze the data in Google Sheets, Google Data Studio or Tableau.

  • Alberto
    Alberto Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited June 2023 #8

    We're trying to use insights to report on projects within our account management team.

    It sounds like this is a current limitation. Has the team considered rolling out insights for projects? Thanks

  • Brad Ahrens
    Brad Ahrens Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #9

    Are there plans to add project imports and add insight reporting for projects any time soon?

  • Lucas MAGNE
    Lucas MAGNE Member Posts: 158 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #10

    Not on the roadmap shared during a Webinar ... but will fore sure

  • BcSPEC
    BcSPEC Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited June 2023 #11

    We are looking to have the same insights available for projects as there is for deals. There does not seem to be any data reports for projects.

  • emmchugh
    emmchugh Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #12

    We use our project pages to manage our active members (deals we have closed and converted to members). When a member cancels their account with us, we cancel their project in pipedrive. It would be helpful to have insights dedicated to project length and cancellation reasons.

    Ideally, we would like to be able to create reports for reasons why people cancel their memberships and have the option in insights to see how long people are members, the average length of a project, and reasons for leaving.

    Can we add the drop-down like in deals for "lost deal" to projects for "cancelled project"?

    Is there a way to track projects similarly to deals in the insights page?

  • Kate Harris
    Kate Harris Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #13

    This would be extremely helpful. My team needs to be able to see very quickly where the projects and having a report that could be on their dashboard would be awesome.

  • Kate Harris
    Kate Harris Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #14

    This would be extremely helpful for admin and sales reps. Right now I am looking to create a 2nd pipeline but that is just making it more confusing for the reps because they get "lost" in which pipeline they are in. Then deals get created in the wrong place and I end up spending way too much time correcting these issues.

  • Kate Harris
    Kate Harris Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #15

    It would also be great if we could customize the "Project Cards" like we can to the deal cards

  • Chad Stewart_45924
    Chad Stewart_45924 Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #16

    Any updates on potential insights or reporting for Projects? Or is all Project development on hold? We have been project subscribers for a while, but with lack of development should we look for other solutions?

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,415 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    edited February 25 #18

    Hi everyone; thank you for your feedback! Adding new features to the Projects add-on is not planned for the very near future, but the product team is keeping an eye on all your suggestions. Please have a look at this thread for more details.

  • Alexander
    Alexander Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #19

    Hello Manuel,

    For the past week, clicking the "Chat With Us" button in Pipedrive does nothing. I have also sent three emails to with no response. Please advise as to how I can re-enable chat support on my Pipedrive account. I appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,415 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    edited February 25 #20

    Hi @Alexander , I've notified a member of our support team who will get back to you on your other discussion about this matter.

  • John Stewart
    John Stewart Member Posts: 13 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #21

    I think that once they decide to finish the Projects module, it'll come with the import/export functionality we'll need. It can't not. We need to be able to easily duplicate project templates across Pipedrive instances, not just within our own Pipedrive account.

  • swalker-iworq
    swalker-iworq Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 17 #22


    Our sales team uses Pipedrive and has found it useful so when they suggested for our implementation team to use it, we have started testing out the projects page and also trying to create reports/insights for our team.

    I have contacted support about this and they have suggested that I submit feedback here about this topic.

    For our team, it is essential that we are able to report on project details. I added a custom field for ARR (annual recurring revenue) as when a deal goes through, our team will break them out into what we call packages and it will often not be the total deal amount, but a fraction. It is important for us to run reports based on how much was completed, or how much ARR is at a current step.

    It is also important for us to run reports on how many projects are past their expected end date, and by how many days they are past the expected end date.

    Please consider adding insights for projects sooner rather than later.

  • Paris Patrick_49141
    Paris Patrick_49141 Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #23

    The ability to report on projects is definitely needed for tracking KPIs

  • Hyroxware
    Hyroxware Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #24

    Hi all,

    We do our onboarding within the projects and this could mean that we loose a sale and also this is the true wins.

    We also use project data fields much more than I think they were built for.

    I am just wondering if there are any work arounds to report on this information or is this a feature coming up in the future?



  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,415 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    edited February 25 #25

    Hi @Hyroxware , insights reporting for projects is not in the plans for now, but I will merge your feedback with other similar requests for added visibility. As a workaround, you can use a dedicated pipeline instead.

  • hbpasley
    hbpasley Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #26

    Absolutely, please, please. Projects are where we earn our money. Deals Won for our industry does not mean we are going to get paid yet, it means we have an opportunity to get paid if we execute great work over time.

    Project Reporting is a must. It is very close to a deal breaker for us (or at least a loyalty killer), so we hope to get word it is on the horizon?

  • Ben Swan
    Ben Swan Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #27

    Completely agree. Ridiculous this wasn't possible as soon as the Projects update was released.

    The lack of ability to report on projects means the whole feature is half-baked.

  • Dimi
    Dimi Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #28

    Is there an update on this?

    Ingishts on projects will be so valuable.

  • Ben Swan
    Ben Swan Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #29

    If Projects were a child, Pipedrive would have kicked it out of the house at age 10 and it would currently be living under a bridge.

  • Charlotte Dale
    Charlotte Dale Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #30

    On the Dashboard in Pipedrive, there is reporting for all functions aside from Projects.

    I believe reporting on projects such as time in each stage, task completion rate, etc would be valuable for the company to track.

    Alongside leads, there is great value in tracking how successful projects are.

  • BillyJay
    BillyJay Member Posts: 1 NEW MEMBER
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    edited February 25 #31

    I've seen requests about the need for project reporting since back in 2022 - has there been no progress on this? We're currently using Pipedrive b/c of it's integrated projects module, but, without the ability to report off of it, it's becoming less and less useful and we're going to need to explore other options. Can we get a clear understanding/response as to if this functionality is even in the pipeline and some sort of anticipated release date, if any?

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