Deal Value problem. Pipedrive seems to force everyone to use fix pricing, instead of allowing us fle

Allan_13427 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2022 in Sales CRM #1
Deal Value problem. Pipedrive seems to force everyone to use fix pricing, instead of allowing us flexible pricing as an additional option. I can't use the Products feature either because it's all done on fix pricing. Can someone please suggest to the Pipedrive Engineers to allow us in our auto workflows to allow brackets in the Deal Value when we create our own Data Fields with this field type "monetary" as per my images? Thanks.



  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,037 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited March 2022 #2

    Hi @Allan 

    Thanks for writing here. So you would like the deal value to consist of data that can be in multiple custom fields? Sorry but I'm not a 100% following why you fill the info in the custom field right now and not in the deal value itself.. are there more custom fields that should feed into the deal value?
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