Currency Exchange // Cambio de Moneda

Xavier Framis
Xavier Framis Member Posts: 39 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes Name Dropper
edited June 2023 in Sales CRM #1

Hello, community! 

A question about the currency of the deals and their display for each user. 

As admin user, I would like to see the value of the deals in the original currency of each user and in the exchange currency.

For example, an admin user wants to see a list of all the deals in € and in the local currency of each user, not only in the totals.

It's possible?




Hola, comunidad!

Una duda en cuanto a la moneda de los deals y su visualización para cada usuario.

Cómo usuario administrador me gustaría ver el valor de los deals en la moneda original de cada usuario y en la moneda al cambio.

Por ejemplo, un usuario administrador quiere ver un listado de todas las propuestas en € y en la moneda local de cada usuario, no sólo en los totales.

¿Se puede en Pipedrive?





  • Amit Sarda (
    Amit Sarda ( Member Posts: 1,604 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 25 Answers

    I think you can play around with your account's default currency and the Value in Currency fields to get the numbers you're looking for.

  • Xavier Framis
    Xavier Framis Member Posts: 39 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes Name Dropper


    Now we have the currencies configured for each team/country.

    If I haven't misunderstood, the Insights totals and sums of funnels or filters are changed to the currency of the active user (in this case €), but the numbers (amount), lead by lead, are not shown in exchange when I choose to visualize as a list, which is what a manager who runs various countries (currencies).

    In summary, I would need to see the currency at the exchange rate of each operation.

  • Xavier Framis
    Xavier Framis Member Posts: 39 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes Name Dropper

    Hi @Amit Sarda

    I would like to know if an option like the one mentioned in my last answer would be included in the development improvement roadmap.

    I have two clients who want to export lists with the original currency of the team/user of the country and the exchange to the local currency of the manager.

    Can you help me to better request this improvement?

    I think it makes a lot of sense and I would like to give viable options/solutions, even if it is, in the future.


    Hola, Amit.

    Me gustaría saber si en la hoja de ruta de mejora de desarrollo entraría una opción como la comentada en mi última respuesta.

    Tengo dos clientes que desean exportar listados con la moneda original del equipo/usuario del país y el cambio a la moneda local del manager.

    ¿Me puedes ayudar a solicitar mejor esta mejora?

    Creo que tiene mucho sentido y me gustaría dar opciones/soluciones viables, aunque sea, a futuro.

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