Revenue - to be able to create multiple subscriptions per Deal

Yuxuan Chen
Yuxuan Chen Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
5 Up Votes

We are in SaaS and we use Pipedrive to track our conversation with clients. 
We have been tracking monthly reoccurring revenue with Google Sheets and would want to track Revenue from each Deal.  When Pipedrive introduced the new feature of Revenue we were thrilled but quickly found out it does not suit us. 

The thing is: one client could pay us different amounts, from start date, with different intervals.
So to have the Revenue function usable for our team, we would need to be able to create Multiple subscriptions/billing plan per DEAL.

This would allow us to track precisely based on the sum that's being renewed, I could also see historical renewal from these Deals, to use spreadsheet less.

7 votes

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  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,002 VERIFIED MEMBER
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
    edited June 2022 #2

    Hi @Yuxuan Chen , thank you for your feedback and for illustrating your use case so clearly!

    It's true that currently there can only be one active Subscription per deal at a time, which doesn't fit all recurring revenue situations. The good news is that we're working on this feature as we speak, and one of the improvements we want to introduce is the possibility to have irregular payment intervals and amounts within a same subscription.

    We often announce these new things in out Research and Beta Testing channel, so consider joining it and you'll also get the chance to test out early versions of these improvements or completely new features we're launching.

    I have also made sure to send your suggestion for multiple parallel active subscriptions inside a single deal to our team for consideration. 🚀


  • Charles F May
    Charles F May Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2021 #3

    We need this same ability (multiple recurring subscriptions, per Customer).

    • As is, this function is useless to us.
  • Kirill Grebtsov
    Kirill Grebtsov Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #4

    Hello @Yuxuan Chen ,

    I've just enabled our fresh feature to allow having payments of various intervals and amounts. In "revenue block" on details page, choose "Payment schedule" and then you can setup payments with various amounts, billing dates and intervals.

    I hope this is helpful

  • Eduardo Biasi
    Eduardo Biasi Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2020 #5

    Hello @Yuxuan Chen ,

    I've just enabled our fresh feature to allow having payments of various intervals and amounts. In "revenue block" on details page, choose "Payment schedule" and then you can setup payments with various amounts, billing dates and intervals.

    I hope this is helpful

    Excellent @Kirill Grebtsov !! The "Payment Schedule" is a great feature. I would add the possibility to insert multiple subscriptions! ;)

  • Kirill Grebtsov
    Kirill Grebtsov Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2020 #6

    Hello @Yuxuan Chen ,

    I've just enabled our fresh feature to allow having payments of various intervals and amounts. In "revenue block" on details page, choose "Payment schedule" and then you can setup payments with various amounts, billing dates and intervals.

    I hope this is helpful

    @Eduardo Biasi, thank you for taking the time to leave feedback! Can you please elaborate on what is the use case with multiple subscriptions on the same deal?

  • Julien_10440
    Julien_10440 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited August 2020 #7

    Just my two cents: Please add a 6-month interval as well :)

  • Stephanie Sasser
    Stephanie Sasser Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #8

    We need the ability to have multiple subscriptions under each deal.  We have separate products that have differing start dates but are subscription based.

  • Raúl Fernández
    Raúl Fernández Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2021 #9

    We need the ability to have multiple subscriptions under each deal.  We have separate products that have differing start dates but are subscription based.

    Totally agree with you. Modern SaaS of today has different products and subscriptions and number of products.

    Use Case: We have 3 different plans and a school/corp/university could purchase 30 sits of one plan type and 5 sits of another plan type. 

  • Stephen Melman
    Stephen Melman Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2022 #10
    Who would like Pipedrive to prioritise multiple subscriptions (not having to add a new deal for each subscription) and linking product list menu to this, avoiding manual input - in their product roadmap?
  • Nick Fotache
    Nick Fotache Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2023 #11
    What business does monthly subscriptions without multiple options? This is such a poorly though out feature. What if a client upgrades their package or downgrades it? Of all the SaaS companies out there, what % do you think operate with only a single package? Almost everyone has multiple packages and clients can upgrade and downgrade between packages so only tracking one subscription makes this feature pretty pointless in PipeDrive.

    PipeDrive... you yourself wouldn't even be able to use your own feature in your own business.
  • Oriol Segarra
    Oriol Segarra Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary Photogenic First Answer Name Dropper
    edited December 2021 #12

    Hello @Yuxuan Chen ,

    I've just enabled our fresh feature to allow having payments of various intervals and amounts. In "revenue block" on details page, choose "Payment schedule" and then you can setup payments with various amounts, billing dates and intervals.

    I hope this is helpful

    We have the same problem. We offer 2 type of services (food packaging and coffee cups), one client can choose the food packaging service only or both. I think the solution here is that you create a service/suscription type of product that you can link to Deals

  • Leandro Schlottchauer
    Leandro Schlottchauer Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited June 2022 #13

    Hi @Yuxuan Chen , thank you for your feedback and for illustrating your use case so clearly!

    It's true that currently there can only be one active Subscription per deal at a time, which doesn't fit all recurring revenue situations. The good news is that we're working on this feature as we speak, and one of the improvements we want to introduce is the possibility to have irregular payment intervals and amounts within a same subscription.

    We often announce these new things in out Research and Beta Testing channel, so consider joining it and you'll also get the chance to test out early versions of these improvements or completely new features we're launching.

    I have also made sure to send your suggestion for multiple parallel active subscriptions inside a single deal to our team for consideration. 🚀


    Hi! Any updates on this feature to have multiple subscriptions per deal? As this was 2 years ago, I assume yes?

  • Cameron S
    Cameron S Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment 5 Up Votes

    Is it possible to add multiple subscription plans once a customer has upgrade their subscription to a higher amount during the current contract term. If a customer is upsold and changes subscription plans during their initial contract term, can you input a different subscription plan in the revenue section that shows the additional revenue.

    Is it possible to add a subscription model that has a lower monthly fee the first year but then all years after have a higher recurring value?

    Can you edit a subscription plan (number of cycles or effective dates) after it has already been created? I don't want to delete the current plan info and start over, I just want to make updates

  • Cameron S
    Cameron S Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment 5 Up Votes

    Is it possible to add multiple subscription plans once a customer has upgrade their subscription to a higher amount during the current contract term. If a customer is upsold and changes subscription plans during their initial contract term, can you input a different subscription plan in the revenue section that shows the additional revenue.

    Is it possible to add a subscription model that has a lower monthly fee the first year but then all years after have a higher recurring value?

    Can you edit a subscription plan (number of cycles or effective dates) after it has already been created? I don't want to delete the current plan info and start over, I just want to make updates

  • Lou
    Lou Member Posts: 15 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Likes Name Dropper
    edited March 2023 #16

    Yes I want to set Bronze, platinum, gold so at least want a subscription custom field to do this. I think it would be best if the subscription is just a product though

  • Andreia Costa
    Andreia Costa Pipedrive Team Posts: 167 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited March 2023 #17

    Hello @Cameron S

    About the questions raised here, at the moment it's not possible to have several active subscriptions within one deal. What you could potentially do is cancel the previous one and from there, create a new one with a higher amount. The previous payments are still considered and you can create a new one with a higher amount.

    However, you can edit a subscription to apply a change after a certain date, for example:

    As you can see, you can pick a date where the value will change and that can also work for your first question and second question.

    In terms of editing, it's not possible to change the number of cycles or the original date set up, but you apply a change as shown above or add extra payments if needed. More information about this can be found in our article: Recurring Revenue feature

    Our support is available, please feel free to reach out to us if any clarification is needed :)