Using Projects to create powerfull upselling campaigns.

Marco Govoni
Marco Govoni Member Posts: 151 VERIFIED MEMBER
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TL; DR & Sorry for my bad english 😞

Add-on Projects helps users in the after-sales activities providing tools to track all related tasks.

In my activity as a security consultant in B2B market, when I sell a product or a service to a client, all related activities are managed by a specified team.

Now, I put my focus on a strategic activity in my job (probably, in all jobs!): upselling.

With upselling, I mean when you sell a new product or service to a customer (that is already a customer) to improve his satisfaction, performance or answer to a new problem and make his company more reliable. 

Upselling is strategic because:

  • the relation with the customer is strong, due to a previous selling process, so time-to-contact effort is very low
  • upselling process may be short
  • ROE increase 
  • Lifetime Value may increase
  • Retention Rate smile😉

Often upselling campaigns are setted on a specific product or service. The main problem is mapping the target, contact them and track it. 

For example, a new service is live on market, but probably not all the clients are ready to buy this service or for most of all it doesn’t fit. So the steps you have to follow are:

  • select target for a specific upselling campaing
  • call/write or any other action to understand if the target is ready to buy the new product/service

Until Projects was available, I used a specified pipline to track my upselling campaigns or, worse, an Excel file.

But now with Projects you can track more details and create a powerfull upselling campaings! How? This is my first idea (please leave your contribute!):

  • Each Board is a upselling campaign (related with service or product I want to offer.
  • Each Board has specific phase
  • Each "Project" is the the upselling campaign related to a specific customer

Benefit. With Projects you can track all detail when you suggest an upselling to a customer and also your team can interact with.

When a client shows interest to the new product/service, you can quickly add a deal directly from Projects and close it. 

Is it possible without Projects? Yes, there are other methods using Pipedrive. But this one, make me more productive! 😊

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