Seidat sales presentation platform & Pipedrive integration will be launched in webinar WED 24.8

Eevert Kujala
Eevert Kujala Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited January 21 in Apps and Integrations #1

Seidat meets today’s challenges in terms of editing, managing, presenting, sharing and analyzing flexible presentations, and is suitable for both smaller local – and larger international companies.

We will host a webinar on 23.8 about the integration between Seidat and Pipedrive. The webinar will be hosted by Seidat COO, Joona, and Zimple's Juho Koski. We'll present the benefits of the integration, best use cases, and run a live demo of how the integration is used in practice. The integration development has been done in cooperation with Europe's biggest Pipedrive partner, Zimple.

Sign-up here

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