Deal ID as a dedicated field

tharris1 Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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We work on a lot of assignments that are highly confidential, so many of our sales and commercial documents refer to the assignment by the Deal ID only. We currently manually enter this information by pulling it from the deal URL, but it would be great if this was an automatically populated and searchable field inside the deal itself.


  • Andres Kõljalg
    Andres Kõljalg Pipedrive Team Posts: 12 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    5 Likes 10 Comments Pipedrive Team Photogenic

    Hey @tharris1!

    Even though it's not there by default, here's a small workaround you could use. However, I hope you're not on the Essential Plan, since then, it wouldn't work (essential doesn't get automations). It's also important to make it a text field, not numerical or anything else. Otherwise, you won't be able to put placeholders in there in automations.

    And yes, it's searchable 😎

  • tharris1
    tharris1 Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Thanks Andres - that's really helpful!