'Magic email' 2FA sign-in is beyond awful - please offer an alternative!

Alex Napier Holland
Alex Napier Holland Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes Photogenic

I love Pipedrive and almost every feature that it offers.

So, I take no pleasure in the fact that Pipedrive also contains the single most infuriating 'feature' among any of the 10+ apps that I rely on to run my business.

'Magic emails' for 2FA are beyond awful.

I struggle to describe how broken, nasty, and messy this 'feature' is.

Right now my mobile apps are borderline unusable thanks to 'magic emails'.

Pipedrive for iOS and iPadOS already signs itself out irritatingly frequently (why?)

But it's a total coin toss as to whether I can ever sign back in again.

I use Safari for pleasure and Chrome for business.

For some reason, Pipedrive constantly gets confused - and these sign-in emails often won't work. They constantly tell me I'm in the wrong browser (no matter what browser I use).

Even on a good day, magic emails are messy and chaotic - I don't want more emails.

Every single business app I use has app-based 2FA that works with Google Authenticator.

Why has Pipedrive decided to choose a solution that's objectively more messy, inefficient and unreliable in every possible way?

I love Pipedrive.

But when I'm constantly kicked out of my mobile apps (why?) and then unable to log back in efficiently, I have to seriously consider alternatives.

I cannot reliably use my iPad as a coffee shop device because of this awful 'feature'.

Please just give us the same app-based 2FA that every business app on planet earth uses.



  • Kreete K
    Kreete K Pipedrive Team Posts: 347 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers

    Hello @Alex Napier Holland

    Thank you for sharing this feedback. Our team is already looking into alternatives with mobile log-in and we take your feedback into consideration for sure. However, if you do have an ongoing error with the log-in, our Support team would be best to investigate it further via in-app chat or email support@pipedrive.com.

  • Alex Napier Holland
    Alex Napier Holland Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes Photogenic

    Thanks, I appreciate it.

  • Kristian Kalm
    Kristian Kalm Pipedrive Team Posts: 3 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi @Alex Napier Holland

    I understand the frustration with magic links - unfortunately replacing them is not in scope at the moment.

    But we did second best thing we could do - we added workaround where you can just copy the link and use it as OTP. Its already live on Android and rolling out on iOS anytime now.

    The flow would be like this

    1. Receive 2fa email
    2. Open it, if it fails and shows wrong browser, then there is Copy button
    3. Copy it and return to app where log in button appears

    I hope this makes the experience better until we can have alternatives as well.

  • Alex Napier Holland
    Alex Napier Holland Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes Photogenic

    Thanks, I appreciate that you've replied and added some kind of improvement.

    It's a shame, as Pipedrive is a truly best-in-class product for me - with a couple of glaring UX negatives (eg. the inability to do fixed-price discounts) that stand out against an otherwise excellent product.

  • Krzysztof_Rosol
    Krzysztof_Rosol Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Perhaps you may consider Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator? This email is really annoying.

  • N-Bob
    N-Bob Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    Just wanted to bump this thread. Is this something that would be worked on by Pipedrive in the near future?

    The email 2fa is not user-friendly and there are easier ways to do it, I would expect that pipedrive integrates a solution like google authenticator or something like all your competitors are doing.