Deleting Campaigns

Mark Davies_72351
Mark Davies_72351 Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment 5 Up Votes Photogenic

Is it just me that needs the ability to delete individual campaigns? They might have been either production tests (not just sending the 'test email' that doesn't pull in variable data), or long finished. this could be archiving if cannot be completely deleted for audit reasons, but some are best just deleted.

20 votes

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  • James O'Connor_1838
    James O'Connor_1838 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2023 #2

    Can't edit the name of a campaign.

    Can't delete a campaign.

    Campaign doesn't update when new contacts are dynamically added to the campaign filter.

    Can't set it up to send sequences.

    Can't even see a list of who the campaign was sent to.

    I'm really scratching my head wondering why I'd pay for this.


  • Dace Kraučuka
    Dace Kraučuka Posts: 21 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2023 #3

    Hello, @James O'Connor 
    My name is Dace, I’m Product Manager for Campaigns. Thank you for reaching out with your concerns, I will try to cover them all.
         Correct me please if I'm wrong, but are you referring to renaming sent-out campaigns? If yes, then we have already planned some small improvements around handling and creating of a campaign and I have added renaming to the list, so it will be done in couple of weeks.
         In regards deletion of a campaign, we are looking into more improvements around handling campaign list, so it will be part of a bit bigger re-shuffling.
         We cannot allow updating of filter audience after campaign has been sent out, as we offer only one-off bulk campaigns, sending out is almost instant 🤷‍♀ . But this is something we are keeping in mind, as we are planning to provide campaign scheduling option for 2022 Q1.
         In regards sequences, this is something I’m working on myself - to deliver first iteration of campaign automations for 2022 Q2. If you are interested, I can include you as prototype tester for it 🙂
         Just this week we released new functionality to create, edit and preview filters directly inside campaign creation, so you can review your audience conveniently before sending it out. In extra to that, we have task in our backlog to add complete audience list to campaign report, so that should be delivered rather shortly, too. 

    If you have any more questions or concerns, I will be happy to answer them for you.

  • emretoy
    emretoy Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2023 #4


    I can't delete campaigns that I have previously sent for testing purposes. This affects my reports. Can we find a way to delete them?

    In addition, we want to group campaigns. Because we don't do campaigns in the same style all the time. This again affects our reporting. I kindly ask for your support on these two issues.

    11.png 105.8K
  • Sophie
    Sophie Pipedrive Team Posts: 217 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited August 2023 #5

    Hi @emretoy!

    If a campaign has already been sent, that campaign can not be deleted. You will still be able to delete that campaign if it is a draft in your account. However, I would be happy to pass this feedback along to our product team!

    Regarding reporting, I would be interested to know what you are looking to report on. We do have campaign reporting as you can see here- Campaigns: reporting

    If you are looking to create an insight report in Pipedrive, you can filter for specific campaigns you have sent- perhaps adding something similar to visually group these campaigns may be helpful and make filtering for campaigns easier. For example, one "group" of campaigns will always start with "group 1."

    I hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out to our support team via chat or email - they'll be able to assist with any questions you may have :)


  • DCA Admin
    DCA Admin Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2023 #6

    Hi @Sophie

    It would be super helpful if we could delete or just simply move/archive old campaigns. The list gets super cluttered as we continue to build/scale.

    Additionally to echo the original post, it would be helpful if we could "group" campaigns together as a campaign is more than 1 email for us.

    If you could pass this along to the product team, that would be greatly appreciated. As of now, these above factors are contributing to us wanting to potentially switch to mailchimp (or other similar email solutions).


  • ClearleeLucas
    ClearleeLucas Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2023 #7

    I have only 1 test campaign published and I can see how this is going to get super annoying very quickly. This is especially irksome as we want to iterate the designs of our multi-email drip campaigns. We may need to consider switching services before getting started.

  • charliparkes
    charliparkes Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2023 #8

    Seems bonkers that you can't delete automated campaigns which are not linked to any automations. If I spot an error in a campaign or I have to make some other edits after it's been published, I have no choice but to duplicate it, rename it something like "Automation - OLD" and then it just sits there in my account causing confusion. In one example I have 3 versions of the same automation! I have never come across this in another marketing automation tool before and it seems really strange and unnecessary.

  • Bec
    Bec Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Really need function to delete or hide old campaigns.

  • Wouter VP
    Wouter VP Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Same here: deleting 'test' campaigns would really help us keeping our data clean!

    Thanks for reconsidering.

  • DonQ
    DonQ Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Indeed deleting campaigns should be a feature.

    Or at least mark them as archived, so they won't count in stats?

  • harunerbil
    harunerbil Member Posts: 10 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @Dace Kraučuka

    Is there any news about deleting campaings in pipedrive. This function will be essential for users especially for admins. thanks

  • jndbm
    jndbm Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This request has been made almost 2 years ago. Any updates on this? Thanks

  • Fay C
    Fay C Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    One more vote here too. Grouping, and archiving/removing campaigns and automations would be very helpful and would help declutter the interface from test and other non usable campaigns.

  • MonikaVentri
    MonikaVentri Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Same, made a test campaign, and now it iddles around and clutters the list.
    This request is been around since over a year…. Is there any chance - realistically- to get an update here?

  • ByteDrifter
    ByteDrifter Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    We are currently evaluating Pipedrive and would appreciate the ability to archive or delete campaigns as well.

  • steveg
    steveg Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited November 2024 #17

    Not a new idea. Just reiterating the other comments to have the ability to delete a sent campaign. Would like to clean up my list and delete sent tests. Thanks!

  • Alex from Uplifter
    Alex from Uplifter Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER
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    Same issue, since Pipedrive is ignoring us - anyone moved away to competitors which are better, im all ears for better solutions.

    Name Dropper Photogenic First Comment

    Hey Pipedrive👋 Even though your users just want to delete or hide a campaign from the list, can you do some more AI stuff please??? Irony off😏 It's a shame that you don't listen to your customers and simply ignore the basics. This is the case with the Campaigns and with your email tool. Within Campaigns, it should be possible to send a test campaign with the merge tags filled in. Currently, you have to send a “real” campaign to see the merge tags and then the campaign is in the list and cannot even be deleted. That is bad, very bad. Someone should look into this because it has been a problem for years and it is a real pain point for users. What will you do about it @Dace Kraučuka or @Sophie ?

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,421 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi, everyone; thank you for your continued feedback. This has been submitted to our product team. While there is no time estimate for this ability due to competing priorities, we are considering putting it on the roadmap.
    Please continue upvoting and sharing your use cases. The more we have, the better the chances of adding this ability to the list of features.

    Name Dropper Photogenic First Comment

    Dear @Manuel Oliveira, thanks for your quick reply. We understand that different requests are in competition with each other. Nevertheless, the basics should be done first. How does Pipedrive prioritize? New features are constantly being added, where it would be more helpful if the existing functions were done properly. Especially when features such as e-mail are still so rudimentary. It is not even possible to filter certain e-mails by date or to archive certain e-mails automatically. This makes everyday work extremely tedious. Thank you for communicating the importance of our concerns to the development team and putting the suggestions for improvement at the top of the agenda 🙏