Best way to clean up contacts?

Jonas Rajanto
Jonas Rajanto Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic

I wonder if there is a way to clean up contacts that have no relevance anymore.

I can't seem to use filters to find contacts that:

  1. Have no Deals associated with them
  2. Have no Activities associated with them

I would like to identify and clean up these contacts.

Why do we have these contacts in the first place? A long time ago, when it was still considered OK and worth the money, we purchased some decision maker contact details. We have a few hundred contacts that never responded to any of our approaches. In all likelihood, most of those contacts are now obsolete anyway due to changed orgs, they've been retired, etc.

Any tips on how to identify these "zombie" contacts?

Do you have other strategies of cleaning up irrelevant contacts that you could share?

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  • Jonas Rajanto
    Jonas Rajanto Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic
    edited September 2022 #6

    Thank you Amit! This fulfills one of my two criteria (no Deals associated with them).

    The reason I also need the filter "No Activities associated" is because we have programmatically added Activities to some contacts who are not part of any Deal. We have done this because not all our contacts are B2B contacts...

    Our B2C contacts have participated in one of our open trainings and may later convert to a B2B contact. We have added an Activity to signify which training they participated in and when. (I'm not sure this is best practice but I don't know of a better way to do this. We don't want to create 10 000 extra deals as only a small fraction of them convert to B2B later. Activities seemed like a low-noise solution.)

    Any idea how to make sure I don't delete contacts that have associated Activities?

  • Jonas Rajanto
    Jonas Rajanto Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic

    Thanks again for the quick answer. 😍

    I made this filter and realized that some Contacts still have Notes - those we want to keep.

    I looked again and could not find a way to filter Contacts that do not have any Notes. How to do this?

  • Jonas Rajanto
    Jonas Rajanto Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic

    OK, you lost me. 😅

    If I export Contacts with Notes into a spreadsheet (is this what you meant?) and identify contacts without notes... How do I then delete only those contacts from Pipedrive?

    By adding a label to those contacts perhaps? 🤔

    But I still don't get why I need to deduplicate contacts...

  • Jonas Rajanto
    Jonas Rajanto Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic
    edited September 2022 #9

    Oh, I see. If I export Notes, the export doesn't contain contact IDs... So I can't use the exported file to add labels to contacts 🤦‍♂️

    So yeah. I'm still at a loss as to how to proceed.

  • Jonas Rajanto
    Jonas Rajanto Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic

    Hold on... I maybe got it 😆

    If I deduplicate contacts, that means that the Notes export Contact person field is unique and can then be used for importing data. Right? So then I could add a label HasNote to all those contacts by importing a file.

    Is that what the deduplication is for?

  • Jonas Rajanto
    Jonas Rajanto Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic
    edited January 2023 #11

    I had to put this project on hold for a while but returned to it now.

    I had misunderstood how deduplication works - I thought it added a unique identifier to each contact somehow.

    I now understand that deduplication means merging duplicate names so that the First Name + Last Name combination is unique for each contact.

    Just one problem: some people actually have the same name. The only way to make sure different people with the same name are not erroneously merged is to manually check each merge.

    In our case, there are 800+ duplicates that would have to be checked manually.

    Obviously we are not going to do 800 manual checks, so... am I out of options then?

    EDIT: Just noticed the other suggestions of Coupler and Flatly. Will check those out now.

  • Amit Sarda (
    Amit Sarda ( Member Posts: 1,602 VERIFIED MEMBER
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers

    Check out Dedupely.

    Coupler will have great application elsewhere.

  • Jonas Rajanto
    Jonas Rajanto Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic

    Thanks Amit.

    Dedupely was the solution I looked at first, but like I said, it only offers to merge contacts with a First Name + Last Name duplicate. The only way to know if each merge is legitimate is by checking manually. Untenable for 800 duplicates.

    However, Flatly gave out an export of Notes with Contact IDs.

    I was then able to import a label HasNote for each of those contacts.

    I was then able to amend my filter view with the condition "Label is not HasNote".

    So - problem solved!