Email marketing new announcement

Stephen Phillips
Stephen Phillips Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Likes

I received an email from Pipedrive today with the following announcement.

A welcome email every time a new contact subscribes to your email list

However, there is absolutely no documentation on how someone actually subscribed to our email list and gets onto it? We have a form on our website for someone to subscribe to our newsletter but because this doesn't work with Pipedrive, we've had to use mail chimp which defeats the purpose.

I reached out to Pipedrive support to ask them how to achieve this and despite two hours of going backwards and forwards, they had a little idea which is not only a waste of our time but there's as well.

Surely, if you're going to make such announcements then you should explain or make documentation available on your help section as to how you do this as it's incredibly frustrating and we are still none the wiser.

Creating a form on the website and connecting it to an email marketing provider is basic 101 one email marketing and have no idea whatsoever why no one seems to know about this?



  • CarlosPD
    CarlosPD Posts: 40 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes First Answer

    Hey @Stephen Phillips !

    Very sorry for the communication you've received regarding this process. I am forwarding feedback to our Knowledge Base team to offer documentation on adding subscribers.

    I am working with the agent who has picked up your case and we will get back to you with our options here shortly.

  • Stephen Phillips
    Stephen Phillips Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Likes

    Hey Carlos

    Appreciate you commenting and picking this up so quickly!

    appreciate you commenting and picking this up so quickly!

    Thanks and look forward to hearing!