Opportunity Pipeline

Becky Clontz
Becky Clontz Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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In an attempt to utilize Pipedrive for forecasting, we have many projects that go on Customer Hold when the client isn't ready to start the project. We need to somehow reflect this in the WON or LOST process so we don't lose the information. Would there be a way to do this? With what little I know, it seems we could turn them back into leads (we are not actively using leads). Thoughts?

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  • Amit Sarda (AmitSarda.xyz)
    Amit Sarda (AmitSarda.xyz) Member Posts: 1,602 VERIFIED MEMBER
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers

    Mark the deals won whenever the client pays, regardless of when the project starts.

    That's the right way to decouple sales from delivery.