Excluding deleted Leads from reports

Zak G.
Zak G. Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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Hey Folks!

I created ~50 test Leads while onboarding an SDR team. The team processed the tests and then I deleted the tests.

However, the converted Leads still show up in Lead Performance reports and I can't seem to exclude them.

I imagined that I could:

  • delete the converted Leads (but this doesn't seem possible)
  • exclude them from the report based on their titles (but I don't seem to be able to filter based on the contents of a Lead Title)

While I've already deleted the relevant Deals, I don't expect that this would remove the converted Leads – as one needs to keep a list of converted leads for reporting accuracy.

Looking at the API, there doesn't seem to be a way to interact with converted Leads.

Can anyone help?





  • Amit Sarda (AmitSarda.xyz)
    Amit Sarda (AmitSarda.xyz) Member Posts: 1,603 VERIFIED MEMBER
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers

    Create a single option field under Deals/Leads and tag the Test Leads/Deals as Test.

    Then filter out the leads/deals by using this custom field.

  • Zak G.
    Zak G. Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Great thought, @Amit Sarda - Pipedrive Consultant - AmitSarda.xyz! However, it doesn't work. I suspect the issue is that these are converted Leads and not actual Deals. Any changes that I make to the Deal have no effect on the convert Lead and the converted Leads don't appear to be something that I can edit.

  • Kreete K
    Kreete K Pipedrive Team Posts: 347 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers

    Hi @Zak G.

    I think it is best to reach out to our Support team directly with this (via in-app chat or email support@pipedrive.com). Maybe they will have a suggestion to solve the issue. However, indeed only deleting the deal will not help as the conversion itself already happened.

  • Zak G.
    Zak G. Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @Kreete K! Thanks for the response! I've talked with my account manager and support. It doesn't look like there's anything do to other than ensure that people know to not trust lead conversion info before a certain point in time.