Linking several PD contacts (but not PS users) to a deal...

Nick L
Nick L Member Posts: 10 VERIFIED MEMBER
5 Likes 10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper

Hi Everyone,

Posted this as a discussion, but may be better suited to the Questions....

So I've looked around but can find an answer to this one.

I need to link several contacts that are internal to our organisation, already in PD (but not PD users), to various deals as a way of tracking which team members will be supporting various deals.

I have set up a custom field on the deal using the "Person" option, and this does exactly as we need - but for only one contact.

I have not been able to see the option to add multiple persons, other than to write them out manually, but this would then lose the link between that individual's record and the deal.

Does anyone have a solution?

Best Wishes,



  • Lucas MAGNE
    Lucas MAGNE Member Posts: 163 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary 25 Up Votes 100 Comments 25 Likes

    Hi Nick,

    The participants of a deal can't be a solution ?

  • Nick L
    Nick L Member Posts: 10 VERIFIED MEMBER
    5 Likes 10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper

    Hi Lucas,

    Not fully, using the Particpants feature gets me about half way there.

    The functionality I'm looking for was to be able to use the group email function and to have the linked deal display on the individual contact's record.

    Not sure if there is a way to make that happen?

    Best Wishes,
