Insight view not working logically in my opinion

Martin Pecha_2338
Martin Pecha_2338 Member Posts: 145 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Likes

I am currently heavy in insights, and building dashboards for my sales team.

I have come to one weird thing about the visuals of activities.

Report 1

Report 1 is the correct view. You want to see exactly how many activities your team has day by day - even if there are zero activities. Because you want to act upon it.

Report 2

Report 2 is for me not the correct view. It only shows periods bounded by the earliest due date and latest due date (you can see I have a report from 1.1.2023).

I cannot see the full month day by day, only a period.

Why this is important? I simply want to see the forecast of how many activities are in pipeline and I want to see it in a standardized way. Of course, I can say, that this tells me that I have no other activity after the 24th. But the logic would tell me that I would see days till the end of the month with zeros.


  • Kreete K
    Kreete K Pipedrive Team Posts: 347 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers

    Thank you for this feedback! I understand the logic and will share with the Product team also.