Hi, i haven't found a similar topic on here i am.
In our sales proposals we need to use many discount (different customer segment & extra discount for sales managers) and different shipping fees (% of the sell price). Attached a little xls example.
I hope it will be of interest to other customers and be considered by your developers
Best regards, Simone
We are currently working in improving Products with the possibility of having multiple global discounts either percentage or numeric (not shipping fees).
Expect some news in the middle of Q2 🙏
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thanks for your reply
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It would be beneficial to introduce an option for applying a fee (percentage %) when calculating product prices, specifically for subscriptions. Currently, the basic price is calculated based on a more economical yearly subscription, but if the customer prefers a monthly subscription, we would like the ability to add a monthly fee (%) to the basic prices.
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Hi @BPrince !
These features about numeric discounts and global/additional discounts when configuring your deal offer is already live and they are available to all plans.
If you want to use and leave some feedback about them for future improvements would help a lot. Currently, the shipping fees feature haven't reached our top of priorities so we are not counting in building it in the near future.
Hope it helps.
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Hi @Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco, the feature i looking for is a multiple discount line for each product, as you can see in my screenshot (example: discount 30%+5%+5%+10% is a total discount of 43,14%). Also for Taxes fees, i need to change it for each product line in my deal. Got it about shipping fees, ill waiting
Another suggestion: now you have Formula fields...if you let me customize columns and formula fields on the offer page, it will be great
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@Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco ,
Thanks for the reply!
With the actual configuration, I can't adjust in bulk the price for each product and show per line the quoted price for each product.
For example, in a quote with 20 items, if I want to apply a 20% discount without showing the original price (we have prices for final customers and for resellers), we only can go line by line.
Having a bulk edit feature like the product pages (select all items to edit, then chose the field to modify) would save time.
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Ok. I understood the use case.
For quoting are you using Smart Docs?
Currently in Smart Docs we only have the original price (not discounted price).