Project related reports

Nexcom Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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edited June 2024 in Sales CRM #1

Hello everyone, I have been using the new Projects feature for some time. In this context, of course, I would like to make project-related evaluations in the dashboard. So I have created three additional user-defined fields for the projects: Total value, Order value and Residual value. I would like to display these values as a report in the dashboard. But unfortunately the entity "Project" is not offered to me for selection when creating a new report. Is this basically not possible (yet)? @Pipedrive: Are you working on this feature? It is clear that you want to evaluate project related data as well, isn't it? Looking forward to feedback :-) 

Thx Markus


  • NigelM
    NigelM Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi. I asked thi question in the help facility and this was their answer...

    'Nigel, unfortunately, for now, the insights tool can only generate reports based on Leads, Deals, Activities, and Campaigns. I understand this is something that would help you workflow and I would like to pass this as feedback to our Product Team so they can take a look at it and if possible add this for future improvements, if that is ok with you?'


    Here is this supposedly super duper crm and we have to actually manually count the numbers on our projects...oh dear.

    Projects is pretty useless if you actually want to query it.🙈

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi @Nexcom and @NigelM

    Thanks for writing. At the moment we unfortunately have prioritised other updates to the reporting features in Pipedrive. I do hope we can find time in our roadmap for projects insights down the line but at the moment we have unfortunately not yet prioritised it over other updates. For example exporting the insights in a PDF is something we're working on right now.

  • NigelM
    NigelM Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Thanks for your response.

    I think zero ability to report on our projects is ridiculous.

    Also filtering leads and deals seems another basic function missing.

  • Nexcom
    Nexcom Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi everybody,

    That's a great pity, of course, and you should discuss prioritization with the product team once again. Because one thing is clear: From a CRM point of view, projects are deals that have been won, i.e. the actual value of success that I, as the managing director, would naturally like to measure and keep track of. In short: What's in the order books!

    BTW: A small hint to the development department: The object and data logic of deals and projects should be more or less the same in a stringent data model, so that adding them to the evaluation console should be child's play. So please talk to the product and development team.

    Think smart.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Thanks for your thoughts everyone, I'm taking it back to the team and drawing board 🙏🏻

  • Patrick Thelen_52772
    Patrick Thelen_52772 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Are there any news here? 🙏🏻

  • KoleIshaan
    KoleIshaan Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Integrating project-related data into the dashboard and creating reports specifically for projects is a valuable feature that many users may find beneficial. It's possible that the option to select the "project" entity when creating a new report is not currently available in Pipedrive.

  • ACK
    ACK Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Agreed! Project reporting / insights is a crucial tool to be added. Please consider this a vote for this functionality.

  • Allison Warden
    Allison Warden Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I am new to Project add on and I am disappointed that so much of the data, files, and other things associated with a Deal do not transfer to a Project. I cannot see the $ value of each stage for Projects like in Deals, and there is no reporting. Hard pill to swallow to pay extra for a feature that doesn't do the same things the Deal level does. I hope this is addressed soon so that we can keep using the Project add on.

  • RussellA
    RussellA Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @Mike van der Valk

    Quiet seriously, Zero ability to produce reports/dashboards from Projects is nothing short of an utter embarrassment for the mighty Pipedrive crm engine. Surely this is one of the most obvious uses for the introduction of Projects: for management to monitor how ebbs& flows of Deals (sales) performance affects Projects (operations) and vice/versa.

    Projects - a great concept but in this hyper-connection/data-syncing/integrating/splicing/dicing age, surely it is a half-baked offering... for the use of which we have to pay for, no less.

    Realistically, when can we expect this to be addressed, please?


  • Abdel
    Abdel Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Les rapports/statistiques sur le projet et les taches de projet sont importants à ajouter. a fin de faire un suivi et des statistiques sur les suivis des employés on attend avec impatience l'ajout de cette fonctionnalité.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi all,

    We're constantly trying to understand what the most impactful and requested updates are for our users. I hear you, and this one is request I've heard and seen before. At the moment however we haven't been able to prioritise this yet over other improvements that appear to be more popular and impactful for a large portion of our customer base.

    One of the most difficult jobs for us is to prioritise what to do first. I understand this request and I understand the need, we want to support Projects reporting down the line but at the moment it hasn't bubbled to the top of the backlog yet unfortunately.

    I know this is not a satisfying answer but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. In the meantime I've noted the request of everyone in this thread down which will help us prioritise and size this opportunity.

    Thanks for sharing and tagging me and have a great rest of the week

  • FazBla
    FazBla Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Is there any further update on when any type of reporting from the Projects module will be available?


  • Marija K
    Marija K Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Essentially, everyone that uses the projects feature would need reporting on it. I agree with everyone. To be honest, I have not seen a useful feature come out of Pipedrive. Other features that would be useful is to develop projects into actually more of a project management tool.

    When converting a deal to a project if the deal is for 10 or 100 "products" and the same process needs to be followed for each one, it is impossible to actually see if each process has been followed for each product. The products could all be the same or different. It shouldn't matter. We have unfortunately reverted to using an excel spreadsheet for most of our sales pipelines. Project is only useful when one product is won and converted to one project in my experience.

  • whatsthedeal
    whatsthedeal Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This might help some, since we need to run reports on projects we added automations that update a custom deal field (since you can't pull in project fields into reports…) once the project phase has changed.

    e.g. Trigger [Project Updated] > Instant Condition [Project Phase, has changed] > Action [Update custom deal field, 'Custom Deal field' = Project Phase]

    Once back in the Insights, we can now run reports based on the custom deal field that gets updated when the project changes phases.

    This should work for other project-related information.

    Feedback: It makes no sense that this workaround is needed in the first place - Please update the project feature ASAP since we're already paying for a subpar product.

  • Zach Garrison
    Zach Garrison Member Posts: 17 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    whaaaaaats going on with Projects??

    whaaat are the other features on the Deal side that is more important?

  • IainL
    IainL Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2024 #18

    Frankly this is a deal breaker for us and pipedrive overall - the projects tool itself is good especially when added to automations, but without any ability to actually oversee project delivery renders the entire thing useless if we can't monitor the delivery of the deals we have spent all that time and effort running through pipedrive.