How do i create a follow up reminder

Fernanda Pereira
Fernanda Pereira Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment
edited July 2023 in Sales CRM #1

 for the same day of every week including a group of lead with the same label?


  • Leonardo Zimmermann
    Leonardo Zimmermann Pipedrive Team Posts: 159 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes

    Hey, @Fernanda Pereira!

    My first suggestion would be to create Recurring Activities associated with those Leads and directed to the users who should be reminded of them, like this.

    Another suggestion would be to create two separate Workflow Automations. The first one would create an activity (with a specific activity type) once Leads with specific labels were created, due one week from Lead creation date, like this:

    The second one would be triggered once those activities (with the corresponding type) were created, and would create another one in one week (due the same day), like this:

    The logic would be te following: Lead created -> 1 week delay -> activity created, due on the same day -> 1 week delay -> activity created for the same day -> second automation is triggered once again and will always follow the same flow.

    Also, for that setup, a specific activity type only for those reminders would have to be created.

    I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Support Team.

    Thank you!

  • Fernanda Pereira
    Fernanda Pereira Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    I have another question:

    So, I created a separated label for these leads which need to be add on this follow up, but it does not show for me. (Just only Cold, Warm and Hot). How do I have the option of selecting an specific label on the workflow automation?

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