Why am I not able to chat with Pipedrive as I've done numerous times before?

Pat Monti
Pat Monti Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment First Anniversary

For some reason(s) I'm suddenly unable to chat with Pipedrive and am being referred to a "Solution Provider." The referral is to the same individual that installed Pipedrive and some other software for us a few years ago. However, we did not renew our contract with him. Has this occurred to anyone else? If so, what have you done about it?

I've reached out to the individual. He's agreed that there's no reason I shouldn't be able to chat with Pipedrive. He's also asked how he can help. I've reinforced with him a few times now that I'd appreciate if he contact Pipedrive to remedy the apparent glitch so that I can again chat and continue to do so with Pipedrive. I've also emailed Pipedrive Support regarding the issue. Unfortunately thus far all has been to no avail.

Thank you for any/all insights.


  • Change Foresight
    Change Foresight Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Photogenic First Comment

    I have the same issue. Can't contact the support because I'm being referred to a "Solution Provider" (see below) with whom I haven't had any prior relationship. We simply used his referral link for a 30-day free trial.

    I have some technical problems with my reporting and need Pipedrive's help soon. Tried contacting support via email but is still directing me to a Solution provider.

    Please help.

  • Pat Monti
    Pat Monti Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment First Anniversary

    Here is what I've learned. Hopefully it'll be of help to others. The Solution Provider I was directed to was the individual/company that initially installed Pipedrive and some other software for us. However, once our contract with them expired we didn't renew. Nothing was wrong with them; we just didn't feel it was necessary.

    To make a long story short I emailed Pipedrive Support and didn't receive a response. Therefore, I did reach out to our Solution Provider. He eventually advised me that evidently Pipedrive has contracted with their Partners to become Solution Providers. We are to communicate with the Solution Providers rather than with Pipedrive. Pipedrive is paying their Partners for this; we supposedly don't.

    Frankly for various reasons this didn't thrill me; especially since I've always had great experiences communicating with Pipedrive. If any such announcement was ever made regarding this new development, I certainly am not aware of it; that in and of itself is disappointing.

    Therefore, it appears if we have any Pipedrive issues, we must contact the Solution Provider that's noted on our account. I guess that's one of the many cases these days of "it is what it is."