The link was removed from the URL written in the deal note.

須藤完 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
Photogenic First Anniversary
edited April 2023 in Sales CRM #1

Until now, if I wrote the URL of the related deal in the note inside the deal, I could access another deal just by clicking the link.

However, recently the deal screen has been renewed, and all the URL links are invalid and can not be pressed. Our company is very hard to use.

When I contacted the support, they asked me to add the link again from the link button, but the number of registrations so far is enormous and it is impossible.

I hope the URL to automatically become a link like before.


  • Leonardo Zimmermann
    Leonardo Zimmermann Pipedrive Team Posts: 159 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes

    They, there!

    As this is not expected behaviour, I reached out to our developers and further investigation was conducted. It turns out they found a bug that is causing this behaviour - so please reach out to our Support Team so that a ticket can be created and associated with the internal task force that is in charge of fixing this bug.

    When talking to our experts, please refer them to me (feel free to share this thread's access link) so that I can guide them accordingly.

    Thank you.

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