How to filter person/organization existing in two or more deals?

IntV Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2023 in Sales CRM #1

Hello! How exactly should a person or organization that is involved in two or more deals be filtered?

For context:

I want to remove an inactive pipeline and its deals from Pipedrive, but there are people or organizations there who also appear in some of my other important pipelines. In the 4k+ deals, I have in that pipeline, very few people or organizations show up when I try to mix and match filters. I brought this up with the support team, but I guess they weren't able to figure it out either because they suggested doing it manually. Thanks!


  • RafaelSantos
    RafaelSantos Member Posts: 10 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I think this issue would be solved by having a type of "quick filter" in the Pipeline view. The current search bar is too broad, and creating and saving a new filter is cumbersome. There's a lot of blank space between "+Deal" green button on the left and the sum of deal value on the right which could be filled with search boxes for a quick live filter that would hide all deals that wouldn't fulfill the filtering condition: e.g. in the contact search bar we'd write John Doe and all deals related to that contact would show, while all others would be hidden.

    Having a few of these search boxes and making them editable, i.e. choosing what is searched in each, would improve the pipeline's usability and productivity.

  • MartinDamien
    MartinDamien Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    1. Open the database or CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system you are using to manage your deals. This could be a software application or an online platform.
    2. Identify Relevant Data Fields: Determine the data fields that contain information about persons or organizations associated with each deal. This could include fields such as "Contact Name," "Company Name," or any other relevant fields that capture this information.
    3. Export Deal Data: Export the deal data from your CRM system into a spreadsheet or data analysis tool. This will allow you to manipulate and analyze the data more easily.

  • MartinDamien
    MartinDamien Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    Open the database or CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system you are using to manage your deals. This could be a software application or an online platform.Identify Relevant Data Fields: Determine the data fields that contain information about persons or organizations associated with each deal. This could include fields such as "Contact Name," "Company Name," or any other relevant fields that capture this information.Export Deal Data: Export the deal data from your CRM system into a spreadsheet or data analysis tool. This will allow you to manipulate and analyze the data more easily.

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