Improve the UX by removing "sales spam dots"

Leif Carlsen
Leif Carlsen Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited June 2023 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

There is constantly a dot taking my attention when I look at the menubar. When I click on for example Projects I cannot remove the alert or better remove the project button as I am never gonna use this feature. Same applies for Campaigns.

The dot indicates that there is an alert for the section but there is not. Only advertising from Pipeline trying to sell the the project module.

So it's just bad user experience that I cannot remove either the alert or better completely disable Projects and Campaigns from the menubar.

I could understand it if I was on a trial version but I am not. I am a paying customer and I just hate when "you" are trying to catch my attention with useless alerts when I don't want to use Campaigns and Projects.

As a minimum there should be a prompt I can click on saying "Don't show this again".

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  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 228 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Likes 100 Comments 5 Answers

    Brower extension called "click to remove element". Fastest way to fix it.