Add a Time Stamp when you complete an activity

CREIndiana Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment
edited May 2023 in Sales CRM #1

I am encountering a very inefficient problem.

Here's what I currently do for my leads/activities:

-Set a date To follow up with a lead

-Call that lead 4 days after the date I set

(Yes, I know it's not the best, but I'm being real here).

-Checkbox, I'm done

The Problem is this: (Let's say I set the due date for 5/2/23 and I actually called 5/6/23) When I check the box on the activity, there is a green checkmark and the date of 5/2/23, but I have NO idea when I actually called the lead.

This is not good because in a few days when I open the lead, I cannot remember if I called on 5/2/23 or after. If it has been a week, then great...time to follow up again. If it has been two days, then I should let it sit a little bit longer.

What I have been doing in these instances is editing my activity, setting the date to today, and then checking it so I know when I called. HOWEVER...then I do not know when the original time was set to call them and I lose data.

...this is a CRM. Data is everything. I do not want to lose data.

What I DO want is a timestamp (like on a note) that shows WHEN I checked the box.

I imagine this is incredibly useful and imperative for anyone with employees as well since, at this point, it looks like the employee would be doing all activities on the day they are assigned even when that is not the case.

*The photo was taken on 5/8/23 and I called that lead on 5/8/23 at 1 pm.



  • Amit Sarda (
    Amit Sarda ( Member Posts: 1,603 VERIFIED MEMBER
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers

    Marked as done time at the activity level already records this info.

    If you want this information to be visible in the deal details, you can have an automation write that time to Notes.

  • CREIndiana
    CREIndiana Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    At the activity level it is not very helpful. How do you make it automatically write as a note?

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