An enhancement to the formulas field

Hi, I love the formulas in Pipedrive and we are looking to embed them within our deals to support both managing the deals and further automating contract creation.
One of the things that I would like added is the ability to split products out when calculating from product value.
The user story here is that my company have an implementation fee and a subscription fee. The implementation fee is one-off where as the subscription fee is annual (standard contracts are 3 years). I would like to be able to split these down into deal fields via the formula option.
This will allow me to calculate LTV, commission for the sales person and some other things.
Most commonly used Excel Formulas should be considered to get this started. Left(), Right(), Concatenate(), lookup() Date()+ numeric value to provide the new date of the deadline. I have a user story, where we need to set deadlines for each task based on the Contract signed date + Contingency days (Numeric).