Excluding Deal Participants from Email Campaigns using Filters

Dan C
Dan C Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment

Hi there,

When creating email campaigns, we're attempting to exclude deal participants to ensure we don't market to people that are within an organization who are in certain pipeline stages.

I don't see a filter for 'Participants' in the email filter tool, either under 'People' or 'Organization'.

Is there a way to accomplish this, and if not, what is the best alternative to ensure people within an organization are excluded from certain campaigns?




  • inacyakup
    inacyakup Member Posts: 179 VERIFIED MEMBER
    100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers First Anniversary

    Hi Dan,

    You need to reach the filter as "people" and "organization" in the filter. It seems possible through these filters.

    Good Works.


  • Dan C
    Dan C Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    Is this correct or is it the other way around, with Organization first, then Person, then is not 'Participants'

    I tried both and it doesn't work nor do I see Participants as a selection. Can you please provide a more detailed answer and maybe a screenshot?

  • inacyakup
    inacyakup Member Posts: 179 VERIFIED MEMBER
    100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers First Anniversary

    Hi Dan,

    With filters, you can choose what to include instead of excluding. I recommend that you add users at whatever stage you want them to be.

    Good Works.
