Deal page Slidebar section limited width space

Keith Gereghty
Keith Gereghty Member Posts: 57 VERIFIED MEMBER
Name Dropper Second Anniversary First Comment

In the former version of Pipedrive I was able to increase or decrease the width of the slidebar section. Now fields like the phone number, email and my other custom fields "crunch" up the data. This makes the data aesthetically unpleasing and lengthens my Deal page size quite a bit.

I spoke to support today to make sure I was not missing another way of increasing the width of the sidebar and was told "I was testing on my end and it appears to be a limitation on our system." What happened to the option of customizing the slidebar section?

I really like Pipedrive and not sure why a customization option for the slidebar was removed. Does anyone know if I am incorrect about this issue and the slidebar width can be customized? See attached for the Person phone number field from my pipedrive account.


  • Craig Beaumont
    Craig Beaumont Member Posts: 71 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary 5 Likes Name Dropper 5 Up Votes

    I have the same issue, a sidebar with crunched up data is not good. this need a fix ASAP

  • Keith Gereghty
    Keith Gereghty Member Posts: 57 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Name Dropper Second Anniversary First Comment

    Agreed @Craig Beaumont , again have no idea why they would remove this option if was already coded into the software. Hope they do fix this issue. Kinda sucks.