Need to identify document attached to deal

paolope Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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I need to identify certain documents inside a deal. Like: Drivers License, Signed Contract, Insurance certificate, etc.

Pipedrive by default allows me to upload files but beyond the description I cannot select what type of document it belongs to.

I need to have this identified to later send through an integration to the company's ERP. I cannot leave it up to the user to correctly write the type of document in the description to be able to map the parameters correctly.

In an ideal case, it would also have to be able to indicate that a certain type of document is required to move on to the next phase within the pipeline.

This can be solved, for example, with a document type selector in the upload file modal or the possibility of adding a custom document type field. Can you tell me if this is possible through an app extension or integration?

Thanks you all,


  • Sophie
    Sophie Pipedrive Team Posts: 206 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes

    Hi @paolope!

    I would recommend creating a deal/lead "multiple option" custom field for this! Then you will be able to filter for a certain file type to isolate specific deals!

    When you are uploading files to your deals, you can select an option/options from your multiple option custom field! Depending on your plan type, you can also make this field "required" in order to move this deal to the next stage in your pipeline- Required fields

    I am not certain of any integrations that can do this, however, you can always check out the Pipedrive Marketplace!

    Hopefully, this helps!