Api for requesting person's permissions for subscription

kmaxkz Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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Hello. I need to automatically ask a person to agree or not agree for marketing status as SUBSCRIBED. I know that it's impossible to set this status through API without sending email to a User.

So, I need to call some Pipedrive Api endpoint to force the Pipedrive to send email to an User. And if an User will agree, Pipedrive then will set MarketingStatus to SUBSCRIBED.



  • Pipedrive Gurus
    Pipedrive Gurus Member Posts: 38 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Likes

    Hi, there is no way actually. You need to click on the send email button and then the customer need to agree. There are already some post out there bcs of this.