Is It Possible To Archive Lost Reasons

Second Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

Over time I've found some of the lost reasons I originally created have started to be used incorrectly, so I'm streamlining my list of options.

As part of this I want to remove certain lost reasons, but wouldn't want to delete that data from the underlying records - i.e. I still want to see those lost reasons on my stats, recorded against historic deals, rather than having a batch of deals which would have no lost reason.

Is it possible to archive lost reasons? i.e. they no longer appear for users to select, but the underlying data is still recorded against that deal, and still shows up when running reports.

Best Answer

  • Kreete K
    Kreete K Pipedrive Team Posts: 347 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers
    #2 Answer ✓

    Hi @CPAMD

    Currently, it is not possible to archive a lost reason. Indeed, you would need to delete it but then the data will be lost. A good addition to our Product feedback, thank you!