Tracking consultant placements

I'm at a design agency that both do bigger projects but also rent out individual consultants. I'd like to track the consultants and know when their placement ends.
Ideally when we receive a request for a consultant we'd have them all in pipedrive (sort of like products) and then you can add a consultant to a potential deal. If the deal is won you set a deadline when the consultant is available for rent again.
Anyone solved this?
Here is one way to track consultants and their availability using a combination of Custom Fields, Deals, and Filters.
Create Custom Fields for Consultants:
Go to "Settings" in Pipedrive.
Under the "Company" section, select "Custom fields."
Create custom fields to store information about each consultant. You might include fields like "Consultant Name," "Availability Start Date," "Availability End Date," etc.
Add Consultants as Products:
In Pipedrive, the "Products" feature can be used creatively to represent your consultants.
Go to "Settings" and select "Products."
Add each consultant as a product. Use the custom fields you created to store additional consultant-specific information.
Deal Creation and Consultant Selection:
When you receive a request for a consultant, create a new deal in Pipedrive.
In the deal, you can use the "Products" section to add the relevant consultant/product.
Customize Deal Stages:
Customize your deal stages to match your workflow. For example, you might have stages like "Requested," "Under Review," "Approved," etc.
Setting Consultant Availability:
When a deal is won and the consultant's availability period is determined, update the deal's custom fields with the relevant information (availability start date, end date).
Using Filters:
Pipedrive allows you to create custom filters to view specific deals.
Create a filter to show deals with consultants who are currently available or will become available in a certain time frame.
Deal Notifications and Follow-Up:
Set up notifications or reminders to alert you when a consultant's availability is about to end. You can use the "Due Date" field in the deal for this purpose.
Let me know if I can help you further.
Best regards,
Noora Ainesjärvi