New: Build automations and share them with your team! 🙌

Dace Kraučuka
Dace Kraučuka Pipedrive Team Posts: 21 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments Name Dropper
edited November 2023 in What's New #1

Hey, Pipedrivers!

Setting up team processes is a big responsibility and we have now made it easier. If you are company admin, you can now build automations and add to them any users of your choice. 

They will work exactly like if your team mates have built automation by themselves, including the right email inbox and signature, if that is what you need! Only thing they will need to do, is activate automation - so now you will be able to make sure all the right people are having automation running.

Additionally, you will be able to see executions of all automations you have shared, to make sure things are running smoothly. Or update automation, in case something is not working exactly right.

The feature is already available to all users on Advanced plan and above.

Learn more on our Knowledge base or watch Academy video!



  • lnew
    lnew Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment 5 Up Votes First Anniversary

    This is awesome! If there were a way to share it across "teams" that would also be great-- so you wouldn't have to go through and manually share it with each individual. Also, if there was a way to bulk update the automations' share access, that would also be helpful.

    Final Q-- If you delete the user seat who is holding the original automation, does it remove the automation from the shared users as well?

  • Flip Nolen
    Flip Nolen Member Posts: 94 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments Name Dropper 5 Likes

    This is really helpful, thank you so much!

  • J.A.N. (Themakers)
    J.A.N. (Themakers) Member Posts: 13 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments First Answer Photogenic Name Dropper

    That's indeed great!

  • Patrick Egan
    Patrick Egan Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    Why can I not activate the automation for other users.

    I need to be able to administer policy, not just suggest it. Salespeople do not do what is required EVER! That is the whole point of an automation process.

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