How to show multi-day Task activities as overdue only when final day has passed?

Hi there.
Activities as you know have a start date/time and a finish date/time. They are not limited to one day - there might be a task that takes multiple days to complete, or it may not be critical that it occurs on a certain date, only within a certain window of time.
We measure our teams on Overdue Tasks to ensure that their pipelines remain well managed and structured. However there is one significant issue with this and the above scenario : Tasks show as overdue as soon as the 'start date/time' has passed, not once the 'finish date/time' has passed.
So if I have a task scheduled to be completed between the 28th and 30th September, it shows as Overdue on the 29th September, even though the task is not actuall overdue until the 31st.
Is there any way to correct this or appropriate workarounds? (other than a manual filter - which is possible but completely subverts the point of the Activities task list - we are trying to train our teams to minimise Overdues, which is difficult to do when a good portion of the Overdues are not, in fact, overdue).
Thanks for any assistance!
The answer that comes to me if the primary concern is about managing if the task is overdue or not is to limit scheduling the activity to the hard deadline date. In your example make the activity due on the 30th. Possibly use multiple tasks for that single activity according to their due date.