New Deal Layout?

Erik Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment
edited November 2023 in Sales CRM #1

Today as I was using Pipedrive in my regular day-to-day work suddenly my heart dropped. The page magically transformed into something new and not at all pleasant. At first, I tried to update the page to fix whatever I was seeing on my screen but without any result. My first thought was that there's no way that this can be a new deal layout. I then contacted Pipedrive's customer service and learned that I'm seeing a new deal layout and there is no way to get back to the old one.

I then critically and carefully looked at the new layout and tried everything in my power to understand the reason behind this new outlook, but I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

If you are using a large screen, all info concerning the deal is concentrated on the left side, leaving half of the window just empty, which looks odd and impractical. Activities, notes, emails, and other important info are now packed into a tighter box which makes reading the chronological events of the deal much harder. Most importantly, written notes (phone calls with the customers) are now condensed and must be opened separately, leading to unnecessary clicks. Before this update, with one quick glance, I could see the notes of the deal and what has been discussed with the contacts recently and in the past. Now I have to open each and every note one by one, just to get an understanding what are the next steps to do. Furthermore, the value of the deal is now behind a dropbox written in small font, when before you could immediately see where you're at.

I'm all about progression and updates must and will be made! I also understand that bigger UI updates require some time to get used to, but I feel like this new deal layout is definitely not it.

So I guess I'd like to understand the reasoning behind this new layout. I really tried to look for positive aspects, but I couldn't. I also understand that it's just one opinion among many. Why make everything more compact while sacrificing readability especially on a large screen?


  • Sophie
    Sophie Pipedrive Team Posts: 209 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes

    Hi @Erik!

    Thank you for this feedback, we definitely understand your perspective and know these changes can be difficult. While we can no longer change this view, our Product and Development teams are working hard to improve it and I have forwarded your feedback to them internally. I can see some of the things you mentioned have already been submitted previously and our product team is actively looking into this feedback!

    I would like to send you the article on our knowledge base that you can check for further insights on how to use the new detail view which can be helpful, you can see it here! I hope it will help in explaining some of the changes.

    I also want to assure you that we have made these changes by collecting previous feedback from our users and the change is intended to improve our user's experience. However, I do understand that not all changes can work for everyone. We encourage you to keep sharing any feedback you have on this or any other Pipedrive features! Thank you again for your valuable feedback on this update!

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