Thousands and decimals with points and commas.

Hi community!
In Europe we do not punctuate thousands with a comma and decimals with a period.
I notice that Pipedrive does not allow inverting the punctuation marks of a Deal value number.
Have you found the need like in Europe?
Especially in the case of implementing a tool like SmartDocs to generate proposals.
€1,250.25 vs. €1,250.25
I think the option should exist in Pipedrive coin configuration.
Are you agree? Can it be included in the roadmap?
Best Answer
Hi @Xavier Framis ; this can be changed from your personal preferences on your account. For example, changing your number format from the United States to an EU country will also change how decimals are marked. You can find out more here.
Ooops, @Manuel Oliveira. It's true, but it's a personal preference.
(from customer support they told me it was not possible. Of course we revolve around coin configuration and do not enter the ecosystem of personal preferences).
I tested on a SmartDocs implementation and it runs!!!
Thank you so much!