Multiple persons in Person type field, and multiple companies in Company type field
It would be great to be able to have a list of persons or companies in those types of fields, especially for companies/persons.
Let's say we want to have list of board members or owners, so we could just add all of them as a list into one field, instead of having 20 fields for Board member 1, Board member 2 etc. Same with companies, if a person is related to many companies, let's say he/she is CEO in 5 companies, Board member in 20 companies, etc.
This is different. I am aware of the request that you mentioned. Since there are still no news about implementing that, I am thinking about a workaround: fields that let you add multiple persons and/or companies into the filed values. I am hoping that this is easier to implement than having multiple people attached to a company the other way.