Shouldn't loss reasons be specific to pipelines ?

FH1504 Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
Second Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic
edited December 2023 in Sales CRM #1


I use pipelines for:

_ Pre-qualification

_ Deals

_ Projects (instead of the Project modules that is not helpful in my case)

_ Internal Projects (instead of the Project modules that is not helpful in my case)

Obviously, the loss reasons should be specific to pipelines (for the last two, it is actually a closed status).


  • Jared
    Jared Member Posts: 53 VERIFIED MEMBER
    5 Answers 10 Comments 5 Likes Combo Breaker

    @FH1504 if you wanted to, you could create custom fields for each pipeline and only have it visible in the respective pipeline. Then, set your own lost reasons and make the field required, either at the stage level or the close lost level.

    When creating the field, select the "Single Option" field so that in the future, you can run reports on it.

    Let me know if that helps.

  • FH1504
    FH1504 Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic

    Yes, that is a bypass. I might go for it.

    It is not a clean solution though. The loss reasons should be specific to pipelines.

  • Jared
    Jared Member Posts: 53 VERIFIED MEMBER
    5 Answers 10 Comments 5 Likes Combo Breaker
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